I gave him a simple nod and followed him to wherever he wanted to go. He could've been leading me to my death and I would've blindly followed. I didn't care.

But to my surprise he led us up to the roof of the school. I'd only been up there a couple times, and not many students people could even get up there.

"Spill." Damon instructed once we were seated.

I looked out at the view of the parking lot for a moment while I collected my thoughts.

Was I ready to tell him everything? Was I ready to say it all out loud?

But if I wanted to have peace with my past I had to stop pretending like it never happened. If I finally told someone, maybe I wouldn't have to carry all the baggage alone.

I took a deep breath to prepare myself, and started speaking before I could back out.

"Like you heard yesterday, my parents aren't actually my parents and Tori isn't my sister, she's my daughter."

"Why do you call Tori your sister?" He questioned gently.

"We're supposed to be the perfect family, no one's supposed to know my real story. It's easier that way." I explained the best I could. I couldn't tell if my explanation was enough because I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"What's your real story?" He asked quietly, as if saying it any louder would scare me away, and maybe it would've.

"It's not good." I whispered.

"I need to know." He pleaded.

I took a deep breath, this was it. I was finally going to tell someone.

"It was freshmen year, I was fourteen, almost fifteen." I started.

He stayed silent so I continued.

"I was young, naïve and blinded by love for a guy who was an eighteen year old high school dropout.

"I met him at a corner store by my house. My mom wanted me to get some things from the store but when I checked out I didn't have enough money. I started panicking but the guy behind me saved the day by paying for everything.

"When I was done in the store I waited outside so I could thank the guy for helping me. He said I could pay him back by going on a date with him, so we exchanged numbers and the next day he took me out.

"That's how our relationship started. He was a great boyfriend at first, he would buy me things like flowers and chocolate. He respected my boundaries. He cuddled with me and took care of me when I was sick.

"Life was perfect, I was popular, I had the perfect boyfriend and the perfect family. But then everything changed.

"One day we were at his house and suddenly he got really angry after receiving a text. He asked me who Dylan was and I told him he was a friend of mine but he didn't believe me. He accused me of cheating on him. Apparently one of his friends sent him a picture of me and Dylan hugging.

"That was the first day that he yelled at me, and the first day he hit me."

I pause my story when I heard Damon suck in a sharp breath, almost like a gasp.

My story was only going to get worse, and I knew the memories were going to flash in my mind as I continued. Frightened tears fell from my eyes but I kept talking.

"After that day I tried breaking up with him but he wouldn't let me. He told me if I ever left him he would hurt everyone I loved. So I suffered for months, with him making up excuses to beat me even if I didn't do anything wrong. I wasn't living anymore, I was just doing my best to survive and keep everyone else safe.

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