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Blaine was sentenced to do two years in a pretty easy going jail. It was plead way down thanks to the officers from the night I was taken.

Nixon Hanley was sentenced to life in high security prison without any chance of parole. His henchmen all served time from two years and up. All in high security facilities as well. I was happy with the outcome.

I wrote letters to Blaine and visited him every Sunday. The two years was long. I continued to live in the apartment with Felony and Madison. She moved in with me to keep me sane after everything that'd happened. We both went to local college. She is actually engaged to Trent now. Not that I didn't call that a mile away. I may or may not have had a lot to do with them getting together.

Paul went to school in Alabama and got a full ride for his basketball skills. Who knew? Not me that's for sure. He's even had us come watch a few games and he's really good. He's dating a girl named Ashley and we all love her. Other than that not much has happened.

My mom hasn't tried to contact me. The trial was all over the news and so was my face. Everyone here knew what had happened. It was sad sometimes to see the looks people gave me. The judgement they passed without truly knowing much about me. I dealt with it though.

I got to meet Blaine's family. They came down when he was on trial. They were very nice actually. His brother's firm represented him at the trial. The wife and kids were super sweet. It was a perfect little family and I immediately understood why Blaine hadn't wanted to involve his brother.

"Brooke?" Madison's voice snapped me out of my thoughts of recapping the last two years. She was driving slowly on the small streets. "Nervous?"

My boyfriend was getting out of jail after two years. "Of course I am!"

She laughed. "You see him every week Brooke. Nothing has changed even."

"Everything has changed. When I go see him there's glass between us and he only gets like ten minutes. He gets to come home today. Gets to wear real clothes and sit next to me while we watch movies, and stuff."

"Yeah, stuff." She laughed doing air quotes. "You sure he's okay with me staying. I can move out if he wants. It is his place after all."

"It's my place too and he said he wanted you to stay." I rolled my eyes. We'd had this fight at least a thousand times. "Trent can even move in if he wants. Hell he practically lives there anyway."

She pulled in and parked in front of the jail in visitors parking. "Well, this is it."

I nodded looking at the chain link fence around the building. "Who would've thought I'd be picking up the love of my life from jail today."

"You've always been the girl all the bad boys wanted." Madison laughed. "Careful when we go in here someone might hit on you and Blaine will be in for a few more years."

"Not funny." I rolled my eyes getting out of the car. "Let's get him outta here."

Blaine was released without complication. We could finally get on with our lives. Having his arms around me was the only way I wanted to spend the rest of my life. He was everything I never knew I'd wanted.

"I love you Brooke." He kissed me. "I've missed this everyday. I can't believe I was lucky enough to have you waiting for me on the other side."

I hugged him tight an whispered for only him to hear. "You're worth the wait."


She's The Girl All The Bad Boys WantOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora