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Driving around town was how I calmed down. I mostly didn't want to go home and tell Blaine what had happened. He'd be pissed at David and go hunt him down, and that's the last thing I need. I could go to Trent and Paul but I don't really want to bother them with this either. Pulling up to McDonald's I ordered a number seven and pulled around.

"$8.03, hey I remember you!" The guy smiled.

"Yeah you gave me free food." I smiled back.

"Can't this time though. I almost got fired last time, and I kinda need this job." He chuckled. "Gotta pay my court costs for some trouble I got in last summer."

I nodded and handed him a ten. "No problem."

He handed me my change and I pulled to the next window. Why did I only attract bad boys? Was there something wrong with me? I mean besides the obvious trust issues. Did I have a sign around my neck saying I only wanted a bad boy?

My phone rang in the cup holder beside me making me look down. The screen glowed and showed it was my mother calling. No way in hell I'll answer that call.

"Here ya go miss. Have a great day!" The McDonald's worker smiled handing me my food.

"Yeah you too." I said.

When I got to Blaine's I saw something that stopped my heart. Police cars and more than one. Lights and everything. Trying to be calm I pulled into my spot beside Blaine's car and parked. I took some deep breaths then braved the storm.

"Stop right there." An officer said.

I froze in mid step. "Sir?"

"You live here?"

I nodded. "I can show you my key if you like?"

He waved his hand. "No need. What's your name?"

"Brooke Sinner." I sighed. "I'm staying with Blaine King."

"Oh, I was unaware." He seemed off now. "Please go on up. I'm so sorry miss."

I gave him a weird look but did as he said. Going up to the apartment I was shaking the whole way. When I got off the elevator I stumbled to the door and was met with two more officers.

"Brooke Sinner?" The tall one asked.

"Yes Sir." I said sounding stronger than I felt.

He nodded his head toward the door. "Go on in but prepare yourself here honey, it ain't pretty."

My heart skittered again. "Is Blaine okay?"

"He's fine Miss."

Inside the apartment I was expecting a pool of blood or something with the way everyone was acting. That wasn't the case I was greeted with though.

"I'm sorry Brooke. I didn't know what to do." Blaine assured me as I was walking into the kitchen to sit down my things.

"Know what?" I asked confused. "What the actual fuck is going on here?"

"Brooke get your things! You're coming with me!" My mothers voice filled my ears and my blood ran cold in my veins.

I turned and saw her rounding the corner. She stood with her arms crossed glaring at me. That woman could freeze over hell.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I said gripping the countertop.

"You're still my daughter and you'll do what I ask." She said through gritted teeth.

"Or what? You'll hit me again?" I asked standing my ground.

"You have to do what I say you little bitch." Her voice turned cold. "You're missing school and causing fights. You're my daughter and you have to come with me. You're not living here with this criminal!"

"I'm eighteen and I can do what I want. I get good grades and I'm going to graduate so there's nothing you can do to me now. Blaine isn't a criminal!" I snapped. "If you don't leave I'll press charges for the last time you hit me plus the nasty voicemails I have saved."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Excuse me officer?" I smiled sweetly at the cop as he came our way. "I have some threatening messages from my mother that make me fear for my safety around her. Can she be escorted out please? I'd like to press charges. I have some pictures and a witness of the time she hit me too."

My mother exploded with anger and lunged at me. Thankfully the officer grabbed her from the air and slammed her on the floor as he cuffed her. He had another cop come take my report and all my compiled evidence.

"Is there anything else Brooke?" The officer asked me.

"No, but I want a protection order or something against her." I said.

"You'll have to go to the court house tomorrow for that." He smiled. "Since there's a report on this though you shouldn't have any issues at all. I apologize for all this trouble you've been through." He said. "When she came to the station she made it seem like you were being held here against your will. Then mister King just let us in and encouraged us to wait for you so we could see you were here willingly."

I thanked him for his efforts and let the last of the cops out. Blaine had explained everything the same as the cop had. He told me that my mother had showed up with the police demanding I was being held against my will. He let them all in and told them they could wait until I came home. I was here at my own free will.

"I'm sorry Blaine." I said looking at him across the room leaning against the kitchen counter.

"It's fine Brooke." He shrugged. "She's a piece of work."

"She's a piece of something alright." I laughed. "I got in a little spat at school today."

He nodded. "I heard. Your mom said you hurt the guy."

I bobbed my head. "Are you mad?"

"Why would I be mad? I'm glad you protected yourself." He shrugged. "Come here."

I crossed the floor to him and he hugged me tight against his chest. I inhaled his strong scent and sighed contently. Being in his arms made me feel safe. It'd been a rough day and now, at this moment, I was home.

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