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Last inning and our school was up by three runs. It was practically over at this point because the other team had two outs and there was only one runner on base. I sat close to Blaine as we watched the game. Other people were mostly watching us though. I could practically feel the rumors spreading.

"Relax would ya?" Blaine put his hand on my lower back. I couldn't see his eyes past his ray bands but I knew he was giving me a concerned look.

"I'm fine." I lied and looked up at the cloudy sky. "I'm just worried it's going to rain."

He didn't seem convinced but nodded anyway. The game ended and he walked beside me toward his car. We were almost there when I saw Carla Dawson heading right for us. To say she doesn't like me is an understatement. She hated me ever since I smacked the shit out of her face for making out with Trent when he was with Madison.

"Hi Blaine," She batted her eyes and pushed out her chest as she spoke to him. Then she looked at me faking a bitchy smile. "Oh, I didn't know you were into whores. Guess I was wasting my time flirting with you."

"If he was into whores he'd be with you Carla." I crossed my arms. "Now if you'd excuse us-"

"Bitch I know you didn't just call me a whore!" She cut me off. "Just because you caught me off guard last time doesn't mean I cant beat your ass right here and now."

I spread my arms wide and smirked. "Take your best fucking shot."

Blaine wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me away from Carla and the crowd we'd drawn. "You don't have to do this Brooke." He muttered as he stuffed me in the car and walked around to get in.

"Do what? Take shit from that skank?"

"No, you don't have to let people make you feel like you aren't good enough." He turned to face me. "I saw it in your eyes. You believed what she was saying. You'd have let her hit you too."

"I'd have hit her back though." I dropped my eyes to my hands resting in my lap because he was exactly right. I did believe her to an extent. Not that I was a slut on purpose, but after hearing it for so long there has to be some truth in it right?

"I just don't understand it." Blaine started the car and grabbed my hand.

"Well get used to it Blaine!" I felt a tear slip out of my eye. It had been a rough day with Zac and now this. "I'm more fucked up than you could ever imagine! I'm just not worth it so you should give up before you even try."

"Who says you aren't worth it? That's for me to decide."

"Everyone says that! Zac, my mom, my dad, and all the people at school." I let it all loose. "I've never been good enough so why would you be any different?"

"Because maybe I know what it's like to go through some shit too Brooke." He snapped making me jump. "Dammit stop with the self pity and be the fighter I know you are. You aren't some fragile little girl that takes shit. You kick ass and take names. I know you're cocky, just treat everyone how you treated me when you we met."

He was right. I had never heard someone say something so true. My entire outlook on my own life changed in that moment, because I realized he looked at me how I looked at Madison. He saw me as a poor damaged girl who could take care of herself but didn't put forward the effort. I didn't want anyone to see me like that, because I could sure as hell take care of myself, had been for a long time now.

"You're right." I said straightening my shoulders.

"I did-" He looked at me weird. "Wait did you say I'm right?"

"Yeah, because you are. I need to suck it up and show these dicks that I won't let them get to me." I nodded.

He smiled and put his hand over his heart jokingly. "Brooke Sinner I think I might love you."

I rolled my eyes. "Just give me a ride home Loverboy."

He nodded toward his car and let me lead the way. "I meant what I said earlier too Brooke."

"About what?" I asked.

"Chasing after you being worth every second of the wait." He looked over at me as I broke my eyes from him. "I'll prove you wrong Brooke, but only if you let me."

"To prove it you'll have to make me let you Blaine, and I wish you luck in that department. I don't trust people very easy in case you haven't noticed."

"You'll see." He smirked. "Just promise me one thing?"

"What's that?" I looked back into his eyes.

"You'll tell me when I succeed." His smirk widened.

I smacked his arm making him laugh then I sank into the seat of his car. He bought us dinner on the way home at a nice restaurant downtown. Being with Blaine made me feel carefree and happy. I actually liked the feeling he gave me. It was nice to feel something like this after the way I usually feel.

He pulled into my driveway behind my mother's car and cut the engine. I thought he was going to try to do some cliche thing like walk me to the door and kiss me, but instead he just stared at me.

"What?" I asked ducking my head making my hair fall in front of my face.

"You're just really gorgeous." He laughed. "Will your parents be mad I dropped you off so late?"

I looked at the clock in his dash seeing it was almost after eleven now. holding in a laugh I just shook my head. "No one cares what I do Blaine." I got out and waved at him. "I'll see you around."

"See ya at work." He gave me a nod and backed out. He hesitated before driving away until I was inside the house which was actually sweet. I almost felt something in my belly but I shoved it down.

"Where have you been?" My mom was sitting in the living room staring at the door waiting on me to come home I guess.

"Oh ya know, out doing heroin." I rolled my eyes. "I was at a baseball game with a friend."

"Young lady you will not use that tone in MY house! Check the attitude at the door." She yelled then stood up. "Trent and Paul came by looking for you the other day."

"I know, they found me." I shrugged walking past her to my room.

Of course she followed me though. "What did they want? And who's the new boy everyone's been talking about? Blaine something?"

"Blaine King." I said. "He's just a new kid Mother."

"I hear he's trouble so stay away from him." She crossed her arms in my doorway as I flopped down on my bed.

"Hear from who?" I snapped at her.

"Just people Brooke!" She screamed. If it's one thing my mom loved it was yelling at me. "Don't you dare raise your voice to me little girl."

"You know what Mom?" I stood up quick and took Blaine's advice. I'm done taking shit. Starting with my own mother. "I've had it with this bullshit! I'm eighteen and legally not bound to you anymore! You can't treat me like shit because you hate yourself! You only hate me because Dad left YOU! It isn't me that you actually hate, it's yourself. So until you sort that shit out I refuse to speak to you. I'll come get my fucking stuff tomorrow. I need to get out of here!"

"How DARE you, you ungreatful bitch!" Her hand slammed onto my face making me wince a little bit, but I stood my ground. I'd been hit before but never by my mom. That didn't scare me though, because I was past being scared ever again. Blaine was right it's time to stand up for myself.

"See ya around Mom." I turned and just walked out. I grabbed my car keys and the school bag I had left by the door. I'd come get the rest of my shit when she wasn't here. I got in my car and headed to a place she wouldn't ever look for me.

I headed to The Glades. A nasty part of the city. I parked my car and shut off the engine. I leaned the seat back and got comfortable. After tonight I could call Madison and stay with her or Trent and Paul. Tonight though I needed to be sure my mother wouldn't find me, and this is the last place she'd ever look.

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