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I woke up disoriented at first, but then I remembered I had slept at Blaine's. Sitting up in bed I was surrounded by the wafting smell of burnt toast. Chuckling to myself I slid out of the bed and padded down the hall into the kitchen. There I found Blaine shirtless and cussing.

"Fucking god damn piece of shit." He mumbled at the toaster.

"Don't you think it might be operator error?" I asked making him jump. "Good morning."

"Morning to you too, and don't make fun of my cooking skills! I was trying to be nice and make you breakfast."

"Well based on the burnt toast I vote we get breakfast on the way to my house." I laughed.

He threw the toast in the trash can and nodded. "Yeah I called Trent and he said him and Paul would be there to help you move your stuff. I got something I have to do. I'll be home when you get back."

"Where are you going?" 

"I have some stuff to do." He shrugged. "I'll get you a key made while I'm out."

I nodded not wanting to push him since it really wasn't my business. "Okay."

He looked conflicted then sighed. "I'm meeting my parole officer. Now before you get pissed please let me explain."

"Parole? As in you were in prison? How? When? And why?" The questions poured out of my mouth but ran even faster in my head.

He sighed and closed his eyes. "Sit down. I'll tell you but it's a long story."

"Okay." I nodded and took a seat at the island in the kitchen.

"I was eighteen going into the summer before my senior year and dating this girl named Jenna. She was only sixteen. I was taking her to the fireworks on the 4th of July. We were messing around fighting over the radio, and the car went left of center. We got hit head on and I was in the hospital for three months recovering. When I was let out I found out she died in the wreck and no one had told me because they feared it would affect my recovery. I got found guilty of involuntary vehicular manslaughter. I served six months in actual prison since I was indeed an adult, and now I'm on mandatory reporting parole." He paused to gage my reaction. Then with a nod of my head he kept going. "Every day in prison all I heard was how her death was my fault. I'd wake up and think it to myself. I saw myself in the mirror and all I saw was a murderer. The other guys found out why I was there and told me it was my fault. Even if it wasn't that's something I have to live with for the rest of my life. I was in therapy for depression and I'm dealing with it."

"I'm so sorry. That's awful." I said softly. For some reason I think I like him more now. I can't imagine living with that kind of guilt. Not only had he unwillingly killed someone. It was someone he knew, and obviously cared for. You can see in his eyes how torn up he is still by this as he speaks. I just want to change the subject. Bring back cocky and arrogant Blaine. "How are you allowed in school?"  Oh yes, that's the direction to go Brooke. I'm a dumbass!

"Oh being a convict and all it wasn't easy, but with my good behavior I was granted acceptance to only one high school in the state to finish my senior year. Which is how I ended up here. They said I could only take the required classes I needed, which is why I only have like three classes. I was told to tell people I transferred for fighting so sorry about the lie." He smiled. "How am I doing on the honesty train?"

"Right on track." I cracked a smile. "How old are you then?"

"I'm nineteen. I'll be twenty in August." He answered. "Are you going to leave now and never return? I know most girls already would have."

"No." I surprised myself just as much as him when I said this, but for some reason I couldn't picture hurting him after what he's been through. I wouldn't walk out that door right now if you paid me a million dollars. Especially after he agreed to let me stay with him. "I'm not judging you on the past Blaine. I only care what you do now, and last time I checked you seemed like a decent guy so far."

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