Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Mark's POV.

"This is not a drill. Everybody in the Ohio, Illinois and Michigan area, we encourage you to stay inside. Lock and stay away from your doors and windows and don't go near anyone with signs of an illness or fever and stay inside. This is not a drill."

Wait, what is that all about? Is that for real? Why would those three states in particular be practically quarantined? I live in Ohio! What's so wrong that it'd be forcing us all to stay inside? And to stay away from those with fevers or illnesses? Oh no. I heard my phone ring and quickly checked to see who it was. Wade.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Mark!" The caller yelled. This isn't Wade...

"Molly? What are you doing using Wade's phone?"

"Mine is dead. That doesn't matter though. Are you okay?"

"Um, yeah. I'm fine. What's with all the stuff on the news telling us to stay inside? Is something wrong?"

"I-I don't know what's going on. Wade and I are at our apartment. Where are you?"

"At home. Have you heard anything from Bob yet?"

"No. I tried to call him just a second ago, but he wouldn't answer. Is it okay if Wade and I come over? Wade thinks it'd be better if we stayed near each other instead of spread out across town."

"Um, a-are you sure you should be outside right now? The news said that we should stay inside and lock everything up. Do you two really want to risk that? Something could happen, Molly." I told her.

"That's what I tried telling Wade! He won't listen to me. You can talk to him if you want to. Try to talk some sense into him?"

"O-okay, sure. Hand the phone to him for me."


"Hello?" Wade asked.

"Wade? What's going on? What are you thinking coming over to my apartment? Do you know what's even going on outside?"

"Mark, if we don't stay together, then what chance do we have of figuring out what's going on?"

"Wade, seriously. I can't let you leave your place. Theres too much of a risk that something bad will happen."

"Mark, I'm being real right now. No matter how many times you've played Seven Days To Die or The Last of Us, you can't go through this on your own. Neither can we. C'mon. This is better than being spread apart."

"No! You can't do that! What if you get hurt!? What if Molly gets hurt!?"

"She'll be fine, I'll be fine. I swear to that. Okay?"

"You have got to be the most stubborn douche I know Wade."

"You tell me that just about everyday. Doesn't change much, does it?"

"You know what? J-just do whatever. But you get yourself or Molly into any sort of trouble, you're screwed Wade. I won't be able to do anything for either of you."

"Deal. We'll be over in a while. Bye."

Before I could say bye, Wade had already hung up. Now I have to figure out what to do until they get here. I got up and locked my doors and windows like the TV had instructed and tried to gather my thoughts. What do I do now? What is all this about? I asked myself who would know anything about this. Nobody came to mind. Damn it. I should call Bob. I need to know he's okay.

"Mark?" Thank god, he answered.

"Bob! Why didn't you answer Wade and Molly when they called you? I was worried!"

"Woah, Mark. It's fine. I was watching TV when some announcement came on telling everyone to stay inside. What's all that about? What's going on Mark?"

"I-I don't know what's going on. You need to get to my apartment. Now. Wade and Molly are coming over and we need to stay together. It's the only way we could figure out what's going on! Nobody is telling us anything! I don't understand why people are getting sick Bob. I-I don't have any clue."

"You need to calm down, first off. I'll be over in a while. But I can't guarantee I'll be quick. I don't know what's out there and I want to be careful. Just do what the news tells you to and be careful Mark. I'll see you soon. Okay buddy?"

"Y-yeah. Okay. You don't get hurt. We need you Bob. Just, just be safe."

"Sure thing Mark."

"Bring Mandy along. I don't want her to get hurt or be alone either."

"I know, I will. Promise you. I'll see you later. Bye."

"Bye Bob."

I hung up my phone and paced back and forth in my livingroom trying to understand the complex events that were taking place. I wish I knew what was happening. Why us? Why Ohio? What's with this stupid 'apocalypse' stuff going on? I stopped myself before I went crazy and found myself standing in front of my window, looking outside.

People were running outside, into the parking lot, some with kids, trying to escape or get out of town to some sort of safe zone. At least that's what I was guessing. I couldn't go out there, that's too risky. Who knows how fast this could spread or how many people could get hurt or killed. A safe zone would be nice, but I can't do it. Not without Wade, Molly, Bob and Mandy. Never.

I sat down on my couch and watched the story on the news. It just kept saying to stay inside or find a safe zone to keep yourself from being at risk of infection. And-. Wait. Infection!? What infection!? What does the infection do? Does anyone know that much? It just keeps saying to make sure we have medical supplies at our immediate disposal incase someone gets a wound inflicted by those with the contagious illness. But why? Is this an apocalypse? The end of the world? How did this start out in the first place? Who did this? Why didn't they catch it before it became out of control?

As the story scrolled by repetitively on my tv screen, I finally caught how this all started. A pill. A pill? A damn pill started this!? A pain killer. Well, it was made from bacteria, so how much more stupid could people be? They thought it was safe, and it wasn't. Nobody is safe. It wasn't clean bacteria, it was infectious. Caused diseases to become fatal in minutes.

The infected didn't stay deceased. They came back to life. Not human, but of another being. A cannibal being with its only instinct being to survive. Eating anything with a pulse. Disgusting and horrifying. Decomposing and mutated. Innocent people who were at the wrong place, at exactly the wrong time, becoming one of them.

"Mark? Mark, get out here!" I heard Wade at my door and ran over to answer it.

Wade pulled me outside and started babbling about something I couldn't understand to save my life. He was in hysterics. I told him to calm down and asked where Molly was. He pointed at the end of the stairs to one of those things trying to attack Molly. I grabbed the only blunt object I had, a metal baseball bat, behind my door and went down to her, leaving Wade to go inside.

Wade did what I told him to and I returned my attention to the infected trying to kill Molly. It had let her go and she fell to the ground. I whacked the bat into the back of its head countless times. It was gruesome. Once I had snapped out of my infuriated numbness, I went over to Molly, who was still on the ground. She wasn't moving either. I kept shaking her and yelling to get her to wake up, but it wouldn't work. Then I noticed the gash. A bite on her arm. It wasn't deep, not easily infectious. But still enough that she needed medical attention.

"Molly! Molly, please! Wake up! Don't do this to me! Molly! C'mon! You can't do this! Molly!? M-Molly please." I kept screaming over and over.

Wade had come back out and saw me. He ran down the stairs and shoved me out of the way, causing me to fall flat on my back. He shook her and yelled, trying desperately to wake her. But it didn't work. She'd passed out.

"Molly wake up! Don't scare me like this! C'mon, c'mon," Wade said with tears falling freely from his eyes.

"Wade! She's not dead! Calm down! We need to pick her up and find some medical supplies. She'll be fine if we find something to patch it up and de-infect it. Come with me, let's get her in the car."

Bob and Mandy pulled up and saw us hovering over Molly, still trying to wake her and carry her to Wade's car. They rushed over to us and helped.

"What the hell is going on? What's that thing on the ground? Mark, did you kill that person?" Bob asked.

"That's not a person Bob. I don't know what it is. You need to help Wade while I go grab some stuff from my apartment. We can't come back here. Not with those things running around. We'd have to keep moving."

"Be quick," they all three said in unison.

I ran upstairs to my door and went inside. I grabbed three medium sized bags and filled them with clothes, blankets, food and other essential things we'd need to keep moving for at least a few days without stopping to get more supplies. I grabbed my phone and a few external batteries to keep it charged and went back down to Wade's car.

"You have everything you need Mark?" Wade asked me.

"Yeah," I said, picking my bat up off the ground. "Let's go."

(A/N. Hey guys! Luxor, or Melynda, here with my first chapter of 'The Damage Has Been Done'! Do you like it? Do you hate it? Let me know! How can I make this better and more enjoyable for your reading experience? If you have anything you want to ask or say, write it in the comments! Go ahead and vote or add the story to your library for updates! And as always, I will see YOU, in the next chapter! BUH~BYE! ~Melynda! Aka Luxor.)

The Damage Has Been Done (Markiplier)Where stories live. Discover now