Chapter 17 - Death is at the Door

Start from the beginning

My mind started whispering to me to stop and turn around, to run away and somehow wake myself up. But as much as I wanted to I couldn't, the presence and whispering was beckoning me closer and closer. It felt like invisible hands were pushing me closer from behind. My mind's whispering grew louder and louder, it then reached the peak and started
screaming at me to run away. It suddenly stopped and the feeling of the presence and whispering of the strange voice became stronger. The strange voice started whispering in
English and said come closer. It told me to witness the great bringer of death and life. I reached the destination; it was a great big building that towered over me like a giant. The structure of the building was similar to that of old churches.

The bell was above the entrance of the building. The entrance had no door, it was wide open. The whispering of the strange voice and the feeling of a strong presence faded. The invisible hands that I thought were pushing me stopped. I walked towards the entrance of the old church. Inside the church there were pews of stools, coloured glass windows, lights on the ceiling that shone dimly and a wooden painted figure of Jesus Christ on the cross above a podium. There were two beings on the floor below the podium and Jesus Christ that seemed as if they were sleeping. I approached the two beings slowly and cautiously, fear driving my mind insane. Each step I took seemed to take quicker than I thought; it felt as if I was pulled like a magnet towards the two beings.

I could hear a crunching or chewing noise, the first being was clothed in black and had its face hidden under a hood. The second being was clothed in church clothes and had its face and body covered in blood. Wait what...its face and body was covered in blood. The first being was above the second being in an intimidating way and its face was on top of the body of the second being. As I approached the beings I realised what that crunching/chewing noise was, the first being rather creature was eating the second being which was a human. I tried to scream as loud as I usually do when something crazy like this happens but nothing would come out of my mouth.

I finally stopped walking and was so close to the two beings, that I could identify one of their faces, I could hear the sound of the creature's hoarse breathing and could smell the stench that they both give off. The creature took its hood off and looked at me with an expression of extreme hunger, blood was dripping from its mouth and it had blood red eyes. It had a marking of two letters on its forehead. The letters were D and S, but the letters were close to each other as if they were one word. It had strange hands that consisted of only four fingers and had sharp nails attached to its fingers that could possibly cut through anything.

Its face did not seem human at all, but when its eyes met mine it felt like there was understanding between the two of us, similar to the feeling of understanding between humans. I felt an invisible hand plunge itself into my mind and try to take something from my mind. My mind was too weak to resist it and gave in. I felt something leave my mind and enter the creature. It smiled at me and bared its sharp shark-like teeth at me, "Devon" it said in an ancient, dark voice and laughed a childish laugh. I couldn't move and felt paralysed; my
body was tensing and shaking violently. I started sweating and then the voice in my head screamed.

The creature crept closer and closer till it was within an inch of my body."Poor Devon" it said in its ancient, dark voice and stretched its sharp nails at my face to claw at it. I cried out in pain as its sharp nails cut through the skin of my face and gouged my eyeballs, I could feel it, all of it. Its sharp nails cut through my skin like paper and blood gushed out like a torrent. I closed my eyes in response to all the pain and just wanted it to end. Then I opened my eyes and I was back in my room in my bed. I cried and cried that night; I could feel the after effects of the creature clawing at my face. It felt like the invisible hand was still in my mind waiting to take something else from my mind. I got up and went to the bathroom; I had to make sure it
was all a nightmare. There were no new scratches on my face or blood leaking out my face.

I went back to bed and hoped and prayed that I would not end up there again. I fell asleep after an hour of fear of falling asleep and landing there again. This time when I woke up I was in a dark space, there was nothing but darkness here. A still small voice kept on calling my name and it would get louder each time. Till it finally stopped and then this voice was followed by a high screeching noise similar to the noise a broken radio makes when trying to use it. Then the high screeching noise was followed by a voice that sounded so familiar. "Devon you must hurry before it's too late...he's coming to get you"

I slept soundly after that. I woke up the following morning and opened the diary with its beautiful italics and border. I continued reading from where I last stopped...


Thank you for reading this chapter...Please comment as I really appreciate it...

Story update: This chapter was intense but the next one will be even more so...It's about a special couple...Thats my only hint to you...Happy Reading and I'll add the next chapter as soon as I can.

Please re-read Chapter 1 as I added a few more parts to it to make the chapter longer and more interesting. Thank you

Peace Out

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