08' Oh, Hello.

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A/N: Sorry for late updates.. TT_TT

we're still on Mi Yeon's POV ^^

Enjoy! :D



Where am I?...

I slowly opened my eyes. Ouch! It's too bright in here. Where am I anyways?

Could I be in heaven? Please tell me I'm not dead. Please?

Ugh.. Stop with the drama Mi Yeon -__-"

Wait.. But what did happen?

Ah! I fainted.. Right! I fainted because?

"Glad you're awake, Mi Yeon-ssi"

"Glad I'm awake too.."

WOAH?! Wait,,..

I blinked my eyes a few times. As my vision gradually becomes clear, I saw 10..

No, 11 figures standing in front of me.

Am I in a mental hospital or something??

"Mi Yeon-ssi, how are you feeling? Are you alright now?" This tall guy approached me and smiled sweetly. "Umm.. I'm fine.. But who are you and where am I and what's with all the commotion and stuff?". Well, I actually didn't know where I am and who they were so... It's not rude to ask, right? Just then, this pink-haired guy went to me and chuckled, "Silly."

Ghad!!!! How could he be so handsome?!?!?! O/////O

I couldn't stop staring at his face. I noticed that he got embarrassed.. And I snapped back to reality when this short, cute guy spoke, "How rude of us not to introduce ourselves. We are.."

And then they chorused, "one, we are EXO!"

EXO?? What's that? A candy or something?

"Im sorry but, what do you mean by EXO?", dumbfounded, they started laughing. Others tried to hold back their laughter, and some just face-palmed. Well actually this big-eyed dude was the only one who face-palmed. "what's so funny??", still don't know what they're laughing at. I felt a tap on my shoulder so I quickly faced at who it was. 'Oh, the pink-haired dude.'

"Yes? Problem?", I asked. Again, he chuckled at me and said, "I see you don't know EXO."

"Uh, duh.", I just rolled my eyes at him. "Mi Yeon-ssi, we are EXO.", and then his lips curved into a smile. "O-Kay....", I just agreed to finish everything. Before he could leave my side, I quickly grabbed his wrist and asked," Where am I? And where's Xiumin?". All of them stared at me with eyes wide open. "How did you know Min Seok hyung? Are you his girlfriend?", said this tall guy with a smile.. Somehow, mischievous... I was about to defend myself when the short guy slapped the tall guy's head. "Min Seok hyung said that they are classmates. Geez, Park Chanyeol."

"Sorry about that Mi Yeon-ssi.", the short guy apologized with a sincere smile on his face. "it's ok.. But where am I?", uh guys, you haven't told me where I am, you know. -_-

"You're currently at our dorm but you must not tell anyone. And Also..", he leaned closer to my ear. And that made my heart beat so fast. "Min Seok hyung told me about what happened."

'What happened?!' But what DID happen??


I was almost done eating my ice cream when Xiumin made me cry because he was teasing me too much.. But then, as I was about to cry, I felt his lips pressed against mine. And he used his tongue to remove the excess cream on my lips.. And he let go and smiled at me. But I just...

[ON-GOiNG]  I Hate KPOP! (EXO FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now