07' First Human Kiss

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A/N: Dear readers, sorry for the previous chapter. I put too much spacing -.-""

Don't worry, I'll do better in this one and on the other following chapters. :))

Starting from the previous chapters until Chapter 10 I guess,.. It will be most of Mi Yeon's POV.

Kepp reading and voting!



Awkwardly, we went to the ice cream stall with him, Yes, Xiumin, holding my hand. He looked pretty much excited. Like a cute little kid.

Mi Yeon ah?! *mental slap* Cute??!

I shook my head.

I didn't even know we were at the ice cream stall. He waved his hand at my face.

"Mi Yeon-ah, you there?", he said putting his hand down.

I came back to reality. "Y-yeah.. what is it?". You look stupid Mi Yeon-ah -.-"

"I was asking you what flavor you want.", again, he showed his smile.. Well, even brighter.

"Strawberry." I'm a big fan of strawberry :3 I just love strawberry cake, cupcake, juice, ice cream and everything edible that is STRAWBERRY.

"One strawberry and one coffee flavored ice cream on a cone, please, agassi.", he ordered as I went over to a bench and took a seat.

[Agassi- Miss]

The wind was calm and cool. It was sunny but not sunny enough to burn your skin. The atmosphere was great. This old tree gave me enough shade from the sun. I guess I do need to rest even for a while. I'm missing out the great things in life because of stress. Sigh.. It just feels so great. I wish this day wouldn't end.


(Xiumin's POV)

"Kamsahamnida, agassi.", I thanked the girl and went towards the spot where Mi Yeon was sitting.


Holy mother of cheese.

Is this for real ??? Am I dreaming?? Someone pinch me!

[Author: *pinches his baozi cheeks* >3< Kawaii!!!!~]

When I was walking towards her, I froze for a moment. She was so beautiful. She was smiling. That smile. It was not something you would see everyday. Today must be my lucky day. She looked like an angel with the breeze blowing her hair and the sun making her skin glow brighter.

I just don't know how to describe her anymore. What a beauty!

[Look at the photo on the right for inspiration :) ]

I could feel my heart beating fast. If only she would be like this everyday. Forever.

And I wouldn't want to let this moment go. I took out my phone and took a photo of her.

Luckily, I quickly put it back in my pocket before she could even look at me.

And then.. you all know what happened..

Back to her normal face.



(Mi Yeon's POV)

I probably looked stupid smiling at nothing. Aigoo..

I looked at my watch. well, it's not yet late though.. But where is he??

Just then, I saw him standing a bit far from where I was. He quickly walked towards me and sat down. He handed me over my Strawberry Ice Cream. It had a half-sliced strawberry on top.

I gave it a lick.

'Uwaaaaaahhhhhhhhh' *^*

It was like heaven~

Then I started eating it.. As I was doing so, I looked at his. It had 2 wafer sticks and chocolate sprinkles on top. Why doesn't mine have sprinkles??


He looked at me.

O/////O .... Awkward >///////>

He then spoke," Do you want some?" with that forever-cute smile on his face.


(Xiumin's POV)

I noticed she was looking at my ice cream.. Its not bad to share right? So I asked her if she wanted some.


She nodded. Like Woah?! I thought she would refuse.

I handed it over to her. She took one of my wafer sticks and dipped it in my Coffee-flavored Ice cream.


I knew she purposely said that in a low tone.. but I heard it clear that she said it tasted delicious.

I could also clearly see her blush. With that fair skin of hers, who wouldn't see her get red?


Well, I didn't know why I said that. But I thought that it wasn't a big deal for her. She'll just ignore it.


That was not normal.. o__O?

She slapped my right arm and buried her face on her hands.

How cute ^_______^

She was embarrassed.

I gently removed her hands to see her face.

Aww... that grumpy face again.

She was about to cry.. she was just so cute ^____^

I can't stop smiling even though she was really about to burst into tears.

I don't want people see her cry and think of me as the one at fault.


I can see tears forming in her eyes.

What do I do??!?!?!


Well, here goes nothing.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Before I could even cry, I felt..somehow a soothing sensation.

It was good.

Warm enough to melt the ice cream on my lips.

And because of that, I couldn't help but let go of what I feel.

This was my first ever human kiss...

[ON-GOiNG]  I Hate KPOP! (EXO FanFic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin