06' Let's do it together.

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A/N: Sorry for the wait, yeorobeun. TT~TT

Christmas Vacation just started! :DD

Enjoy and feel free to suggest ideas!


 Mi Yeon got to school early thanks to her father's nagging. She went straight to her classoom and noticed that no one else was there. She sat down, " So this is what it feels like to be early.. Kinda boring though." It was a bad morning but she  felt great when she arrived at school early. She looked around.


 That's what she thought. So to get rid of her boredom, she hummed a little song she overheard last night from her neighbor's house. The neighbor's stereo was deafening so that's probably why she couldn't forget the song that kept playing in her mind the whole night. She didn't know the title but she knew one line from the chorus..

 "Give me XOXO L-O-V-E. You're my XOXO L-O-V-E"


(Mi Yeon's POV)

Hmmm.. This song got stuck in my head for quite a while... but I still don't know the title. Tsk. Why am I even bothering to? I bet it's KPOP. (Author: obviously =.=")

But it is  a bit catchy..


Then she hummed the other parts. She stretched her arms and laid her head on them and closed her eyes while doing so. She kept humming, not noticing that someone entered the room.

He saw Mi Yeon. He quickly took his seat and stared at her. 'So, she's not much of a hater of KPOP, huh?', he thought. He tapped Mi Yeon's shoudler and greeted, " Good Morning, Mi Yeon-ah". She opened her eyes and sighed.. She then faced him, "Good morning, fatty." and closed her eyes again.

"I see you're starting to like KPOP now.", he said with his usual smile.

 "What the hell are you saying, fatty?? Have you gone nuts??", she gave him a rude stare.

He just chuckled. 'I like it when she calls me fatty.. specially when she's mad.', he thought while smiling.

"Yah, Fatty! Are you really out of your mind? First you told me I like KPOP and now you're smiling for no reason.", she exclaimed and went closer to him. She touched his forehead, "Or are you just sick?"

He was a bit flustered so he took her hands off," A-aniya... Gwaenchana.." ["N-no.. I'm fine.."]

 "O-kay..", still confused Mi Yeon sat back properly as more of her classmates arrive.


(Fatty's POV)

Oh, I almost forgot! "Mi Yeon-ah.."She faced me and raised a brow. "There's something I wanna tell you." She asked me what was it. She doesn't really seem to know about what happened yesterday."I wanted to tell you that I was the one who fi-", suddenly another girl approached her and Mi Yeon just turned her back on me.

I waited for them to finish..

"What was it fatty?", she asked me. Glad she actually remembers. She usually forget things,..eventually.

"Nevermind.", and I just smiled in return.

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(Mi Yeon's POV)

It was nearly the end of class, everyone was getting excited to go home.

 Even me.

But then, before I could even celebrate being able to relax after this stressful day, I remembered I still need to finish decorating the auditorium.  -_____________-"

'Stupid KPOP. Tch. What a waste of time'

"Okay, class.. So you all know that the school festival is next week right? Is everyone here

going to participate?", asked the teacher. Of course, expectedly, everyone will say "YES".


"Done cursing?"

Ughh... I'm not in the mood, fatty. "What do you want??", I said grumpily cause I was really not in the mood to joke around.

"Well.. there was something I've been wanting to tell you since earlier.", he replied.

"And what was it?", I turned to face him.

"That I was the one wh-".. Mr. Lee suddenly spoke.

[Author: Poor fatty.. he never had the chance to tell her what really happened :((]

"Alright, class. See you tomorrow. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Mr. Lee~", the class chorused.

I quickly stood up and arranged my stuff. I wasn't even curious of what Fatty wanted to tell me. I just..

didn't care..

Still in a bad mood, I was almost at the door when someone grabbed my arm. I jolted in surprise and looked at him, "Seriously, Xiumin.. stop pestering me please? Just today.. Even for 5 hours. Please?".

He smiled at me. But this was different from his usual smile.


"Let's go get ice cream.", he said.. rather excited.

"Ice cream?", I said raising a brow.

"Yea. To help you cool down. You're being such a hothead today."

'It's the first time I heard him say those kind of things. Like it was the first time there was snow in summer (??)

"O-kay...", I just agreed since I wasn't gonna do anything afterwards. I mean, Ice cream wouldn't hurt right?

[ON-GOiNG]  I Hate KPOP! (EXO FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora