Ayato Sakamaki🏀At the Crossroads

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Ayato Sakamaki🏀At the Crossroads

"Ohoh? Looks like some bitch came running back from who-knows-where-in-hell. Acting like a wannabe badass." A familiar—yet unfamiliar—voice rang out in the main room.

"Tch, now she shows up? After all this time,"  Ayato clicked his tongue and groaned in annoyance.

"Huh? Who was that?" Fuzen looked around the room until she glanced up. She found Yui with her legs dangling over the balcony ledge and resting her chin on the back of her hand. She gave Fuzen a disgusted gaze.

"Ugh, why the fuck are you back? It was so peaceful without you here. But I totally missed you, sis." Her snide, sarcastic comment and new personality surprised Fuzen so much, it made her drop her guard for just a second. But a second was long enough for Ayato to pin her against the column.

"Yuki/Yuki-san!" Both Tsukinami were enraged that Fuzen was attacked. They tried to go to her, but they got blocked by Kou and Laito.

"a-re, a-re~? This is something between the two of them. Best not to disturb them now, ne~?" There was tension between the four keeping the Founders back, unable to help Fuzen. While Laito and Kou were holding them back, Ayato growled at Fuzen as he tighten his grip on her neck.

"You dare run away from Ore-sama? Prey shouldn't run away from their master."

Fuzen kept her head hung, staying silent. Suddenly, she scoffed at him and lifted her head. She had a smirk on her lips with a raised brow and an 'are you kidding me?' look in her eyes.

"Why did I leave?" Although her voice was strained, but her laughter was loud and clear. "I thought the answer was obvious. Clearly, I'm not interested in being anyone's toy. Let me spell it out for you. I. Fucking. Despise. You."

There was a little edge in her voice, and the slightest falter—but not noticeable—in her loud and clear statement.

In that moment, Ayato dropped his guard and loosen his grip, just for a moment. Fuzen managed to break free from his inhumane grip and landed kneeling on the marble floor. She vanished from his view, then reappeared behind each Sakamaki and Mukami, knocking each and every one in less than a minute. Of course, she was oblivious to the fact she forgot one certain vampire.

        She believed she knocked out every person on the hit list, hoping to negotiate with Kino later once she escape with her brothers.

"Not so fast!" As soon as Fuzen grabbed her brothers' hand, and was about to teleport out of there, a certain platinum blonde tackled her the Tsukinami left without her.

"Look at you. Gaining everyone's attention just like that. You attention-seeker." Yui spat at Fuzen once they (somehow) were on the cliff nearby the mansion.

Fuzen had no intentions to fight her sister, but Kino on the other hand...

        I could add her to the list too. And don't think about negotiating with me. My orders are final. Well, there goes that plan.

"Look Yui," Fuzen puts her hands up in surrender. "I don't wanna fight, and I plan not to. So, I'll be on my way."

Fuzen walked past Yui, but to her surprise, Yui pulled her back by the hood of her cloak and holds her by the neck over the ledge. Yui's newfound strength surprised her.

"Did you really think I'd let you go that easily?" Yui snarled.

"Oi, Chichinashi!"

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