School . . . . Yay ಥ_ಥ

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School....Yay _

A 5 year old girl stood in a blood-red room with a dead couple in front of her. "Mommy? Daddy? Are you sleeping?" She lightly shook them.

"Mommy and Daddy are never going to wake up ever again." The little girl turned around to see a large man with dark green hair and dark crimson eyes.

"Can you help me mister? Can you help wake up my parents?" The man gave out a small laugh and lifted her up so that their eyes met. He gave her a small smile and said, "Your eyes, they're different than the rest. A shimmering gold that shines brighter than any star or jewel. Beatrix, you killed them remember? Your first kill." The girl looks at him in confusion.

"Beatrix? My name is Y—." But the girl got interrupted by the sound of sirens outside the house.

"Beatrix," He got the girl's attention again. "I'll see you again in 12 years. Before I leave, please take care of the people who are going to get you. I love you." He kisses her on the forehead and leaves.

"Hey! Little girl, are you alright?" The girl turned with a sinister grin and held out her knife.

"I'm fine."





"Eh?" I woke up with a startle. I was still in yesterday's clothes and Yui was already in her school uniform holding a pillow.

"Finally, you're awake! If you didn't wake up for another second, I would've thrown this pillow at your face!"

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" I said groggily. "I'm still anemic from yesterday!" What was that dream? Was it a memory? I thought about the dream I had. Beatrix? Who was that man?

"Fu-chan, after you shower, go see Reiji-san. Oh, and take this." Yui gave me a cranberry juice box before walking out.

I quickly showered and put on a black tank and short mesh shorts, and walked over to Reiji's room while drinking from the cranberry juice box Yui gave me.

Let's see, down the hall, make a right, and the 3rd door on the left. I knocked before hearing him say, "Come in." I went inside to see Reiji working on some potion.

"You finally woke up. Here is your schedule and uniform. You have most of your classes with Yui, so just follow her around. Also," He hands me a small, blue potion bottle. "Yui told me about your scars. Take this and your scars should disappear within a week."

"Wow, thanks Reiji-san. You, know, any more nice acts from you, and I might call you Mother." I shook the bottle at him and he chuckled.

"I might have to discipline you after school. Now go get changed." He shooed me away and I ran back to my room as I looked at the schedule. (Occasionally, bumping into a wall, damn being anemic!!) Aww, the uniform is so strict and boring!! Time to change it up!!


What's taking Fu-chan so long? Everyone else is already here. Everyone was waiting for Fuzen in the limo.

"Oi Chichinashi, what's taking Kyonyū forever to get here?" Ayato elbowed me.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because you drained over half the blood in her body last night!!!" I emphasized the last sentence. "She was so anemic that she almost couldn't wake up or walk straight without bumping into something."

"Not anymore!!"

"Aahhh!!!" I screamed in surprise. "F-Fu-chan, what are you wearing?!"

♥    ♥    ♥   ♥

For anyone reading this, I forgot to put in the meaning of the nicknames.

Ōmono - Big Shot
Kyonyū - Big Breast

I'll be thinking of some more names for Subaru, Laito, and Kanato. If you guys have any ideas, comment below.

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