The Captive: Chapter Five

Start from the beginning

"Niall, you are the first friend I have had in years and to top it off, you are my best friend." I said to him, my voice shaking slightly with the unshed tears in my eyes. "I do not care what you did before I met you, all that did was make you into the wonderful person I know now. Your parents did something terrible to you but if I had the chance I would thank them, because I got to meet you. I would thank them for bringing you to me, to teach me that I can make friends." I started crying then clenching Niall with every ounce of will power I had, this boy in front of me was in fact my best friend. He means so much to me, because I never had a friend before his kindness and now I have four (if I include Louis).

We stood there for what felt like hours, just hugging each other and crying. In the moment, I knew I had to tell Niall I liked Louis because he was my best friend and I had to trust him. "Niall, I can tell you a secret and you won't tell anyone, right?" I pulled him back slightly to look into his eyes, but when I did he rested his head on my shoulder lifting his hand up to tug on one of my curls. 

"I am your best friend, McCurly, I wouldn't tell your secret unless you asked me too." His voice sounded nasally, from what I thought would be snot from the tears. 

"I have a crush on Louis." I whisper not ready to even say it out loud with my full voice, thinking that once I said it loudly it would make it permit. I would permanently feel these butterflies in my stomach and goosebumps on my skin, whenever Louis was close to me. I would permanently have trouble forming a sentence or feel like my throat was closing, when I would look into Louis's eyes. Niall was smiling at me, it was sad and happy all at the same time.

"I had a thought you did, but I cannot tell you I am really happy with this." Niall said sighing and pulling himself off my shoulder, putting back on his torn joggers. "Louis only has you here until he gets his money back, then he will force you to leave. Harry, you do not have a trouble home, your family loves you even if they do not show it." He paused to blow his nose on a piece of toilet paper before throwing it in the trash bin. "Louis will not let you stay, no matter if you love us or not." Niall was taking away my happiness, one sentence at a time he was confirming all my nightmares and killing my dreams. "Plus he will never like you back, but I think you already knew that." I stared at Niall wide eyed as I slowly back up through the doorway, new tears trailing where the earlier ones had passed. "Harry, hearing this is better for you now, Louis will never be yours." I turned then, Niall did not mean to hurt me, he would tell me later but he did. I ran into my room, grabbing a pillow and a blanket, then locking myself into my bathroom. That was the only way I knew no one would bother me, I climbed into the bathtub after switching the radio on, putting the pillow behind my head. I stared at the ceiling, wrapping myself in the blanket, letting my tears rolling into my curly hair.


I spent two days in the bathroom, not leaving to get food or anything, and I only left the second day because the knocks on the door were constant. I pulled the door open to come face to face with Niall, who had bags under his eyes. "Why have you not eaten any of the food I left you?" He asked me his voice quiet as he looked over my shoulder to see my blanket in the tub. "Why have you locked yourself in the bathroom, is it because of what I said?" I wouldn't look him in the eye, I just brushed past him, bumping shoulders with him. I saw Louis sitting on my bed with Liam as Zayn was sitting on Caroline Flack.

"How much money does my stepfather owe you, Louis?" I asked him, not meeting his eyes either because I knew I would get lost in them.

"Fifteen thousand dollars, why do you want to know?" Louis asked me but I was not paying attention, I was trying to remember how much money was in my college fund. I had worked in a bakery near my house, for years saving up money, I also added all birthday money with it. I had enough to pay one years tuition and I was not willing to give up enough to pay my stepfather's full debt. After what Niall said, I thought it would be easier just to leave and work through the heart break but fifteen thousand was a lot of money. I shrugged my shoulders, in answer to Louis's question before taking a seat at my desk. I looked at the food in front of me having no feeling of eating, so I decided to talk.

"What are you all doing in my room?" I asked pushing the plate away from me, just staring at the wooden desk. "I thought locking myself in my bathroom was enough clue, that I wanted to be left alone." I knew it sounded harsh, but for the first time since being here I knew this was not a vacation. I knew that this was not my home and I knew that one day it will all be taken away from me. I just wanted to be depressed, I was use to the feeling from all my years in school. The feeling of loneliness and emptiness, it always amazed me that I could feel so lonely surround by people. They stared at me, like I had grown two heads and I started to fill up with guilt. Niall looked like he was close to tears and asked everyone if he could have a few minutes alone with me. 

"Harry, you know I would take you to another world if I could." Niall said his voice was serious. "One where Louis would love you back but I can't so in return, I am going to lift you and never stop. We are best friends and we need each other." I looked at Niall, my eyes watering slightly as I thought about what he said. He was my best friend and I should enjoy the time we could spend with each other. I smiled and put my arm on Niall's shoulder.

"You are right, best friends stick together." I kissed his cheek, just as someone was walking up my stairs. The way were standing looked like we were kissing on the lips, which is why the person yelled at us.

"What the hell?" Louis stood there glaring at Niall, "You'd do this to me after I told you I liked Harry?" Niall's eyes grew wide as he looked from Louis to me, Niall had lied to me. Louis could like me back but why did he lie. 


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