He sang to renee, as her face turned a bright reddish color. The song was beautiful, we were all bumping out head to the music and loving it. We eventually caught on to the choras and sang along with the boys. Just then ... Nialls part came up. He was singing and all the while his eyes were on me. My heart melted right there. his voice was so beautiful, he came closer to me while he was singing and got down on his knees, and placed a small peck on my lips, I couldn't hold back my tears at this point. He made me feel like the only girl in the world.

I was seriously in love.

When his part was over he went colser to the boys, but he never took his eyes off of me.

A few minutes later the song was over. I couldn't help myself I jumped into Niallers arms and burried him with a million kisses.

"I Love You So Much Nialler" I yelled and he spun me around like he always does.

we were so caught up in the moment that we didn't even check to see if my father liked it or not.

"Well, dad?" I asked with a huge smile on my face.

He was silent for a long while with a very stern look on his face, I began to assume the worst when a second later his stern look turned into a look of excitement.

"Boys I absoutly love the song!" everyone began to cheer and Niall grabbed me and spun to around and gave me the biggest kiss in the world. Nothing could have defeated my happiness at this moment.

"How about this, on wednesday we head in the studio and make this a record?"

All the boys cheered as my father started a group hug.

"Alright guys, well Im going off to go order some food, you guys want chinese or something?"

We all screamed yes and he went on his way. This moment was pure bliss for all of us.

We decided to play truth or dare while we waited for the food to arrive.

"Okay, Harry you start" Louis stated with a wide grin.

"Alright lad, hmmm" He looked around "Perrie is it true that you an evil twin, who looks nothing like you,but has the same name, spelled the same as you, whose trying to steal Maya's boyfriend?"

Perrie started laughing. "Harry thats not how you play, you ask me truth or dare ... but NO mate I dont have an evil twin who looks nothing like me, but has the same name as me, spelled the same whose trying to steal Maya's boyfriend"

We all fell out laughing. This was too funny.

Just then my phone beeped. It was my twitter feed. I instantly checked it because I was always intrested in twitter. I looked through my timeline and it was filled with rumors of Louis and some girl hooking up.

I searched to see if there was any evidence.

I then noticed that #ELOUnorNomore was trending and I searched through that.

I was starting to get upset because the fans were making up random bullshit about Louis ..

Just seconds later I stumbled upon a picture .... It was of Louis and ....

That BITCH who kissed Niall ....

Wait ... But in the picture she looked like she was on a date with Louis .. and it looked like he kissed her goodbye. I was absoutly heated.

I was so heated that I didn't realize that someone dared to lick Nialls chin.

I couldn't let anybody see that I was upset so I quickly did it, blushing right after, while everyone laughed including Louis.

I was so mad at him, not only at the fact that he hurt El, but also at the fact that he did it with that bitch.

Ugh, I wanted to smack him.

Just then Harry's phone beeped ... then Liam's phone, then Zayn's phone, then went Dani's phone everyone pulled out their phones to read the messages .. all from twitter. Just then Louis phone beeped and when he checked it his face went as white as a ghost.

"Whats going on?" Eleanor looked confused.

Louis couldn't even say a word, he was just silent with his head down. Everyone's phone beeped except for Eleanor's.

"Can someone tell me whats up?" She still didn't understand, he voice began to grow angry. "Louis?" but he didn't answer her.

"Lad are you fucking serious?" Niall got up and charged at Louis. Lucky for him I was quick on my feet and held him back.

"Relax, Niall maybe Louis can explain?" Zayn reasoned.

"Explain what!? Someone tell me what the bloody hell is going on please !?" He face grew sad.

"El, check your twitter" Dani said as Eleanor pulled out her phone.

As She was going through her twitter with every slide of her fingers her face became sadder. Then she looked up.

"FUCK You Louis .."

. She got up from the floor and threw her phone at Louis and ran up the stairs.

"Eleanor wait !!" Louis yelled and ran after her.


I was running for what seemed like years. I was so upset, I knew someone would make it seem as if I did something wrong. I hated it, I hated being famous.

I looked in almost everyroom but I couldn't find her. I was about to search the guest room when I heard stuff breaking from the bathroom.

I quickly ran in there afraid of what I might find.

But there she was sitting in the bathtub, there was glass on the floor and her hand was bleeding. I looked up and realized that she must have punched the mirror.

"Louis, leave me the hell alone !" She yelled.

"No, baby please its not what it looks like, let me explain, and let me see your hand" I tried to step closer to her but she moved away.

"Louis if you come anycloser to me I will punch you in your face." She yelled.

But I could take a challenge. I moved closer anyway when I was close enough to grab her she started pushing me away and yelling and punching me in my chest.

I didn't care I had to take care of her wound.

I picked her up from inside the tub and brought her all the way into the guest room. I grabbed the first aid kit on my way out.

She kept kicking and yelling for me to get away from her ... Im surprised no one called the cops.

"El, please relax .. and let me take care of this for you." I said.

"No, Louis it hurts .. Just leave me alone" she began to cry and I hated seeing her cry.

she had left over traces of glass in her fist and I had to pull them out. I tried to be gentle but she kept crying. When all the glass was out I sprayed the cut with some alchol and and bandaged it up. She was calmer now.

"Baby can we please talk now?" I sat on the edge of the bed.

A minute later all I could feel was a slap on my face. I was shocked.

"Just tell me why Louis, why did you choose to kiss her when you had me? Huh? do you want her Louis? Do you think she's better then me? I dont get it Louis, Fuck YOU" She got up and began walking away. But I pulled her towards me.


She became quiet, and another tear fell from her eye.

"Cmon love, please dont cry ..." I said but she just jumped into my arms and began kissing me.

"I Love you to Louis" We kissed some more ....

Our kissing held stong for a good 20 minutes .

Before I knew it Me and my love were spending a beautiful night together

How To Love..... (Niall Horan Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora