"What's on your mind? You seem like you're thinking hard about something," asked Ludwig.


"Oh, it's just..." that every time I see you my heart speeds up to a pace I can barely control, and just the mere thought of you sends my mind spiraling into oblivion. I can still barely wrap my head around the fact that I danced with you and then slept the whole night pressed up against you without dying. "It's nothing."

Feliciano could tell that Ludwig didn't believe him, but thankfully he didn't press the subject any further. For the next half hour as they waited for Francis to show up, they did a mix of unpacking a few boxes and watching TV. They were both sitting on the couch watching the TV when Francis came bursting through the door.

"You two better not be doing anything nasty!" he called from the kitchen. When he made it to the living room he looked at the two of them and waggled his eyebrows before casually leaning up against the wall. "It's safe Matthew!" he called over his shoulder, "I brought over all of the stuff that was in my car, Matthew came along to help unload."

Just as he finished Matthew came in the room carrying a large box. "I told you that they wouldn't be doing anything," he said quietly. He glanced over to where Feliciano and Ludwig sat on the couch, "Hey, is there a place where I can set this?"

Feliciano rose from the couch and helped Matthew place the box in the corner of the room. After that the four of them began to unload everything from Francis's car. Once everything was inside and boxes now scattered the living room floor all the way to their bedrooms, Francis announced that they had to leave.

He rubbed his hands together before flicking his blond hair over his shoulder. "Well," he said, "I guess we should get going. I don't want to be a burden on the two of you," he winked and earned a slight blush from Feliciano and caused Ludwig to roll his eyes at the french man. "Just to let you know, Lovino is still at Antonio's dorm, I don't know when he'll leave but he hasn't yet. Au revoir, mes amies," he said before he took Matthew's hand and led him towards the door. It might have been the lighting or something but Feliciano could have swore he saw a blush on Matthew's cheeks whenever Francis touched his hand.

Feliciano and Ludwig watched from the kitchen window as Francis and Matthew got into the car and pulled away, Francis giving a slight wave as he did so.

"So what do we do now? I want to take a little break from unpacking," said Ludwig, leaning on the window seal.

Feliciano thought for a moment as he looked out of the window. Then, an idea struck him. He quickly left the room and began to head to his room at a brisk pace. Ludwig followed.

"What are you doing?"

"Can you help me find my school bag, it should be in this room somewhere," said Feliciano as he began to move boxes in search of his bag.

"But it's Saturday, you don't have any classes today do you?" asked Ludwig as he helped search for the bag.

"Yeah I don't but there's something inside of it that I want... Here it is!" he declared as he hurriedly unzipped it and drew out his sketchbook along with a small pouch of different pencils. "Okay, put on your jacket and let's go. I want to go to the tree." He was practically radiating with excitement, an excitement that Ludwig didn't quite understand, but he enjoyed seeing him so happy so he went along with it.

The two of them picked up their jackets which had been disregarded onto the floor of the living room. Feliciano had found a beanie for himself to wear and one for Ludwig, and he accepted the dark green hat gratefully.

Together, the two of them left the house with nothing more than what they were wearing and Feliciano's sketch book and pencils. They decided to walk to the campus instead of drive, it wasn't that far and with their jackets on it felt nice outside. They were already past the campus gates whenever Feliciano realized that he forgot his cell phone, but he brushed it off when he remembered that Ludwig had his.

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