7: Break You Off

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Sumiyah POV

I hated the feeling of emptiness when I woke up in the morning my head was pounding like hell.

"What the fuck happened?" I groaned.

I silently prayed that I wasn't in someone else's house because I knew how that shit went and I wasn't up for it.

My phone rang loudly and I cursed answering it.

"Hello." I said lowly, wincing at the pain in my head.

"Yea is this Sumiyah Adams?"

"Yea whatsup." I sat up getting serious.

My heart started racing at the mysterious voice.

"Where are you?" His masculine voice asked smoothly through the phone sending shivers down my spine.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused, who the fuck was this ?

"Sumiyah." He said my name like he was getting pissed but little did he know so was I.

"Mysterious Caller." I snapped back making him chuckle.

"Oh right you're hung over, let me refresh your memory. Its King and I didn't like how you ran away from me last night. Dont do it again Princess." He demanded in a calm tone.

My mind was cloudy but things started slowly coming back to me.

"Fuck off." I said ending the call.

Anonymous Text: Watch who you got in that tight ass circle you call friends. hahaha 😛

I tried to text the number back but it wouldnt let me text it or call it.


How the fuck did he get my number? Who the Hell texted me this shit?

The fuckery. I swear when I see Willow its on fucking sight something aint right about that bitch.

Back to the present

I sat at the station for two hours. I was in tears the whole time I was there.

"Ms. Adams where were you last night at 3:30 AM?" the detective looked at me, his chocolate eyes connected with mine and I bit my lip and pushed my curls out of my face as he eyed me.

"I was drunk, wasted, I had went to the club with a few friends it was-" I stopped talking as I remembered something.
I didnt leave with any of the girls. I was alone. I left alone.

"Miss Adams?" The detective called.

"Hmm." I hummed.

"SIR-VALENCE footage was brought to us, you left the club in a car around 4 am so if you don't remember much just tell us where that car took you Ms.Adams." He leaned forward.

"I-Uh we were going to my house." I said wiping my tears that fell uncontrollably.


"Yes, two friends that picked me up from the club" I confirmed firmly.

It was good I wasn't pinned to the murder of my friend but whoever did this was sick.

"Your friends you went to the club with are now being questioned. If there's anything I should know speak now Ms. Adams."

Our eyes connected and I felt cold.

My heart froze over and I probably looked icy as fuck.

My mind flashed back to King.

"Nothing" I stated boldly.

One thing I knew was never to snitch.

That shit catches up to yo ass.

The detective slid me a folded paper and I tucked it in my bra. I got up and waited for the buzzing of the door.

"You're free to go." I heard then i grabbed all of my belongings and hightailed out of there wiping my tears.

I noticed everyone was let out except for Willow and Chole.

I brushed it off though knowing they had nothing to do with that fucked up shit.

I called an uber so I can go home I needed a long shower I hated this eerie feeling I was having.

unknown text: You better watch out.


who is texting Sumiyah??

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