Who Are You?

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~Shane's POV~

I pulled away after a second. The tall and big guy was actually my classmate, his name was Dylan. Ever since the first day of school, I was terribly scared of him, I've always seen him as the mean bully type. I merely bumped into him and I was apologising, for fear he was going to hurt me, and he decided to hug me? Why did he do that? I stepped back, looking at Dylan. Why did he hug me? I'm so confused. Dylan looked at me, and said, "I just wanted to be friends with you, have wanted to ever since the school year started, but I saw how afraid you were of me. So I also didn't dare approach you. Now that we bumped into each other, literally, just wanted to show you how not a bully I am, hopefully we can be friends?" I was shocked by his gesture of affection. I could not talk. Dylan must have sensed my shock, he continued by saying, "Look, I understand how people thinking I'm the stereotypical Jock that bullies everyone he sees, but I'm not like that, I'm not even a sports CCA. I just feel that you're a really good guy, and I want to be good friends with you!" I was still shocked. In the end, I said a "sure" and we walked to class together. That was officially the longest conversation I have had with a person in this school other than Kerri. Finals were in about slightly less than three months time, and since I was busy everyday and on Saturdays with Kerri, Dylan and I didn't talk that much.

Occasionally, Dylan would approach me for help for mathematics. He said that mathematics was his weakest subject and he desperately wanted to improve it. Overall, we were on good terms, and I have made myself a second friend in this school. When I think back to the day when he just suddenly wanted us to be friends and even hugged me, I can't help but feel that something is a little "off" about this weird and sudden friendship. There has just been this gnawing feeling...

~Kerri's POV~

The new semester was really exhausting. I hope I can survive this semester without dying. One thing that continues to motivate me to study is definitely Shane. All my friends were surprised that I was studying for the whole of Saturday, every single week. I didn't study as much in the past, so this is a good change I guess. Shane was really really smart, and very hardworking too. I guess hanging around with him does have some unexpected benefits. Every Saturday was a really productive day for me. I manage to get more work done than I've ever had. Although one thing that was bugging me was the fact that Shyan wasn't as clingy and she normally was. She usually texted me everyday, without fail. However, the last message she sent to me was from three days ago. Something fishy is going on and I've an eerie feeling that it's going to be something bad. But then again, should I warn Shane? I'm so torn between telling and not telling. I guess I'll just tell him at a later date...

Well, exams are coming up which means I got to start mugging. Every Saturday is precious time for me to get work done. Taking a couple of subjects which were terribly content heavy did not help my situation at all. I had to memorise paragraphs after paragraphs of important information that would definitely be tested during the exam. I just didn't have time to investigate the Shyan situation. Although the fact that she had not texted me for three days really worried me...

~Shane's POV~

The closer Dylan and I got, the more uneasy I felt. Finals were approaching, I could not afford to get myself in all these friendship drama kind of thing, I started to distance myself from Dylan, ever so slightly. It got to the point where the only conversation we would have would be me tutoring him maths, normally we would just say hi in the hallway, and that's about it. Trust is easy to gain, but once you have shattered that fragile glass, to piece it back together would be so hard, and it would never be the same ever again.

CCA is really tiring. We were practicing hard for our competition next year, and they were not letting us slack with the excuse of our finals that were approaching in two months. While other CCA only had one session of CCA per week, we still had three, and it lasted till seven. As tired as I am, I'm good at doing work fast, so I still had a lot of extra time on my hands, which I devote to my piano and my books. The conductor said that the school required us to get a distinction certificate next year, or else our CCA would have to undergo testing; some people may be kicked out of the CCA. Everybody in the CCA has forged close bonds with each other, so no one wants to leave each other, so we didn't complain about the gruelling schedule, we pressed on, no one, and I mean no one, wanted to leave.

One day after CCA, I was walking home with Kerri, back to our apartment complex. We were engaged in a really interesting conversation, we were discussing about our schooling system, here in our country compared to those in other countries. It never dawned on me how long our school hours were, and how content heavy our lessons were. After all, we were on of the top schools in the country, so we would be pushed beyong our limits to strive for higher heights. We were so engaged in our conversation that we didn't realise that we were standing out apartments just talking for the past ten minutes. When we finally realised, we decided that we could continue the conversation next time.

I turned around, and walked to my apartment. I felt an oh so familiar hand grip my arm. Pulling me around, my lips met with hers. The adrenaline rushing through my veins was unbelievable. It was as if something exploded inside me. It was even more passionate than the first kiss we had shared on performance night. Electricity was basically flying everywhere in my body. My body feels light and fluffy. When we broke apart, my eyes met hers, before I gave her a quick hug and ran to my apartment.

~Kerri's POV~

I just did it again. I kissed him again, and it felt so good, his lips against mine. When we broke apart, he looked at me with his striking black eyes. He was breathtakingly beautiful. He gave me a quick hug and rushed to his apartment, a blush creeping up his neck and cheeks, his ears were reddening too. What was this that I felt?

I have never felt this way when Wei kissed me...

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