Who Gave Me the Note? 2/2

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~Kerri's POV~

Me: Heyyyyyyy!! Who gave me the note?

Wei: I don't know. -.

Me: Well since u said you left your file in the canteen when you went off, I'm sure that a CCTV must have captured the images.

Wei: How will we get access to the CCTV footage?

Me: I have my connections, but I will need your help too in the process.

Wei: Okay sureeee

Next, I texted Eugene. He was one of my old classmates but we still kind of kept in contact ever since. Eugene was one of the smartest guys in the cohort. He was also a huge tech whiz. When he wasn't engrossed in his school work, he was tampering with a computer somewhere.

Me: Hey Eugene, Kerri here. I need a favour.

Eugene: Sure! What do you need?

Me: Soooo something happened and I need prove that that thing really happened so I need to access the CCTV footages of the school.

Eugene: Woah... Okay, sure. But I will need the key to the CCTV room before I can copy everything into my computer or transfer the info and footage to me.

Me: I know, you have taught me well, haha. I got Wei to help me.

Eugene: So what's the plan?

Me: You and me will distract the receptionist at the front desk, Wei will sneak into the key room behind them and try to get the key to the CCTV room. After he gets the key, we all leave. Then we go to the CCTV room and you do your thing.

Eugene: Sounds good. You do know I can just hack into the school systems right? Have you forgotten? You failed my test...

Me: But won't it be too risky?

Eugene: I will bring my jail broken laptop to school tomorrow. You and Wei meet me in school cafe at 6.45 am. We shall do this before school then.

Me: Okay! I will inform Wei then.

After that, I texted Wei and told him all the details. I was determined to find out who would do such a thing, though. While texting Wei we kind of managed to get onto the topic of Owen.

Me: Owen just told me something that I thought you should know.

Wei: What is it?

Me: He is gay. You have a chance dude!

Wei: *faints*

Me: For real. He told me this morning. He was like: because you are the only person that never judges anyone or anything ever, I shall tell you this because I know you won't judge. I need to get this out of my chest, *deep breath* I'm gay.

Wei: Wow that was epic from start to finish. Although I do have to agree you really don't judge and that's just really hard to come across nowadays.

Me: I'm awesome haha.

~Shane's POV~

I don't really like the feeling of having nothing to do and to just be lazing around doing nothing. It makes me feel as if I am very unproductive and I am lacking behind my peers for just doing nothing at all. Normally I would somehow find someway to occupy myself. I feel like I normally had a very good grasp of time. I didn't feel like a year would have passed by very fast as I got to do something meaningful every second of each day. However, for the first time in like forever, a whole month has just flown by like that. Soon enough, term 2 common tests were over. I still could not comprehend how time can pass so damn fast on high school.

Thinking back, the past term had certainly been the most hectic ever in my life. I have never had so much homework ever in elementary school and in kindergarten. I guess when my mom told me that the jump from elementary to high school was really really big, she was not lying. I got accustomed to the workload very fast because I am a very fast worker although my accuracy level can be vastly improved. Let's see my GPA for this term...

Previously, I spent all my time on music and reading when I'm not doing my homework or revising for tests and exams. There has been an obvious decrease in how much I am reading. I try my best to read as much. I am a sucker for romance and thrillers, even better if it is a mix of both. I love all genres and do not shame. Books are life. Life is books.

CCA was also very busy. Three hours a day, three days per week. That is a total of nine hours of CCA in a week, which was a steep increase from three hours a week back in elementary school. I really love my CCA, plus I count CCA sad devoting time to music, so I really don't mind the long CCA hours. In a flash, there is only half a term left to the first semester, maybe high school won't be so bad after all. Kerri is still my only friend and basically the only non-teacher that has ever spoken a word to me. The people in my class basically treat me as if I was invisible and does not exist in this class. Group projects were not that torturous, it was bad but could be endured through. I remembered the very first project of the year that we had to do, which was not that long ago...

It was the last week of the term, and our teacher told us that we had to work on a project about the development of our country over the years over our week-long holiday back in March. As our class was mostly girls, I ended up being the only guy in my group. The other girls seemed like normal and decent enough people, not really the kind of girls that judged every single movement of yours so much. Our teacher gave us about fifteen minutes at the end of the lesson to let us discuss and what approach we were going to take with this project. It was pretty heavily graded and was just important for the particular subject, which was history. My four other groupmates said nothing at all. Whenever I tried to say something, I would get no response. I asked them if they wanted me to message them the details of the project, our if they were okay with meeting up during the holidays, no response. That was the most I had ever spoken to my classmates, yet they did not even bother to reply me. Since they were so bloody unresponsive, during the holidays, I did every single part of the project by myself, from start to end, and they did not even lift a finger. Of course, I managed to get a perfect score and they did too, but they did not deserve it though. Basically, after that project, word got around that I tanked projects. From then on, people wanted to be in the same group as me as they wanted the grades but didn't want to sacrifice. I tanked everything everytime. That's all. I gave everyone something they don't deserve.

~Kerri's POV~

I saw Wei and Eugene at the cafe. I was on the dot, but I guess they were always early for meetings. When I reached, Eugene was already typing away furiously on his laptop, his face slightly scrunched up as he was concentrating so hard. After about ten minutes of non stop typing, Eugene managed to enter the school databases fully anonymously. He quickly copied all of the footage at the canteen over to this computer, so we could view it safely later, after he had logged out from the system. Eugene's uniform was drenched with his sweat. By the time he was out of the system, it was 7.08 am and we already had to start making our way to the school field or we would be late for assembly. Eugene told us to meet him during recess and we can review the tapes together. When recess finally rolled around, I saw Wei and Eugene yet again together, making me the late one. "During my lessons, I decided not to listen and look through all the footage to save time. I can catch up on the stuff thought in my class at a later date, just some simple stuff that can be made proficient with self studying." I nodded at Eugene. He looked all the files, and selected one of them. I looked at the fuzzy footage, and saw a thin female taking the note from Wei's file. Eugene then went ahead to further increase the resolution. After a few tweaks here and there, the culprit was finally revealed: sweet little girl Shyan.

I was shocked at first. I had not expected Shyan to be the one behind this mini drama. She was not usually the type to cause this kind of drama related scenes. I thought of confronting her about it, but finally decided against it. I decided to let this situation be at rest. Let's just hope that she does not do this again.

Next part of the mission was the somehow get Owen and Wei together. I guess my school still is not too open about the concept of same sex relationships. I remembered Christina once told me about how two guys got suspended for two days for "hugging intimately" in the hallways. Well it is not their fault that they liked each other. Why are my school leadesrs such homophobes anyways, that is just wrong. Why are they setting such restricting rules. I feel that as high school kids, we should not be kept so uptight. Thinking of relationships, I find myself starting to think about Shane, that time when we took the train to school together. I woke up almost an hour earlier for that. The night before, I felt so deprived of his bubbliness. I felt like I just do not have enough of him. I wanted to spend more time with him. The next day, I decided to turn down my dad's usual offer for a ride to school, leave home early to get to ride with him on the train, to spend more time.

My beloved princess.

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