CCA Tryouts

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~Shane's POV~

It is compulsory for all year one students to attend this CCA tryout session. We have to stay back after school and move around the different booths, trying to find a CCA that we like. Thankfully, we do not need to stick together as a class, so, when the bell rang, I immediately detached myself from the class and wandered away to the booths. I have already crossed out all of the CCA that was definitely not possible to get into, or I really do not like: all the sports CCA. Well, I may be the least athletic person that has ever lived, so you can't blame me on that, right? I also crossed out all the Uniform Groups as my parents really disliked uniform groups, and, I agree with them. They seem to be really boring. Making a dash to the performing arts section, I was greeted with all the possible CCA I can join. Since music is basically my blood, I tried to find a more music-inclined CCA so it will be easier for me to participate and basically be proficient at it. "Chinese Orchestra, Concert Band and String Ensemble. What should I choose?" I mumbled to myself as I walked to the Chinese orchestra booth. After reading a brief description of the CCA and trying out a couple of instruments in the orchestra, I decided that CO just was not for me. Next, I wandered to the concert band booth. It seemed really interesting, however, being so unathletic, I quickly ran out of breath will playing the brass and woodwinds. Guessing that the only possible CCA left for me is String Ensemble, I headed over to their booth, hoping to find the perfect CCA.

~Kerri's POV~

After a long day of lessons, I still have to drag myself to CCA tryouts just to demonstrate to the year ones what our CCA is about and how to go about with the instruments. Waddling to my booth, half dead, I took a seat and tried to fight the urge to fall asleep as I waited for someone to be interested in our CCA. Just as I was about to fall asleep, a year one with jet black hair and big round glasses came walking towards my booth. "You need any help?" I asked, sleep evident in my voice. He jumped, before looking at me, "I, uh, want to try the cello?" I nodded and went ahead to take the instrument out. He seemed very nervous about trying the instrument, his hands shaking slightly when holding the bow. I gave him an encouraging nod and thought him where to place his fingers, hold the bow, etc. He seemed really nervous. However, when he started playing the notes came out easily and flowed perfectly. The intonation being very accurate. "Have u learned the cello before?" I asked him quizzically. He looked at me. Beneath his big round glasses I could see his dark eyes, they were really black. His face turned a light shade of red before he muttered a "a little".

The rest of the day flew by and soon enuf it was time to close up the booth. I took the instruments to the store with the help of my CCA mate, Yeevon. It was an exhausting day, I just want to go home and crawl into my bed. Soon enough, I reached home and I threw myself heavily on my bed, falling asleep instantly.

~Shane's POV~

I've learnt the cello for two years now, that's why I thought strings ensemble will be a good CCA for me. The senior seemed impressed by my skills. My heart almost stopped when she asked me if I had learnt the cello before. Evidently blushing, I told her I've learnt a little before. As today was the first day of school, there wasn't much homework. As soon as I got home, I finished it in no time and immediately delved into my books. The first day of school was already so stressful, all my classmates must think I'm weird. Truth is, I'm just born like that, and I don't think I can change it. Nonetheless, I fell asleep that night in my own tears, as usual.

The next day, I woke early to fill in my CCA option form, which I had forgotten to do the previous day, although the deadline wasn't until three days later. After that was done, I headed to the train station once again. I plugged my earphones into my phone and let the music soothe my soul. Happiness flooded through me, that is, until the train started getting crowded. At a particular stop, many people flooded into the train cabin. The panic and anxiety overflowed my heart, and the desperate tears threatened to fall from my face. I curled myself up in my seat, streams of hot, silent tears flowing freely down my face. I cannot stand crowds at all, or people in general actually. People made me nervous, scared, and my emotions overflow. I really cannot help it. Back in elementary school, whenever people tried to talk to me, I stutter, my face turning red, before bursting into tears. After a cold times of that happening no one spoke to me ever since.

By the time the train cleared up, my panic attacks has escalated. I feel the people around me staring at me, their stares piercing into me. My body started quivering quite badly. When it was my turn to get off the train, I wiped my tears hastily and ran out of the train cabin. My face in a mess, my emotions in a mess, and my head in a mess, I walked briskly to school, hoping the rest of the day would have mercy on me. Right now, I just don't know what to think. Everything that had just happened was still fresh in my mind, and I'm still a walking zombie, confused.

Four Years Apartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن