The "Love" of Performing

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~Shane's POV~

I was really really shocked. Did Kerri just kiss me? Before I could recover from that huge shock, I heard the emcee announcing that we were up. We had to carry our instruments and make our way to the stage already. Have I ever mentioned that Kerri and I were sitting beside each other in the ensemble? Well, we were. So, Kerri took her cello and the stand to put our scores while I took our cellos and the stoppers to prevent our cellos from slipping while we played. The conductor stood at the front and bowed to the crowd, and so did we. We sat down, and flipped to the correct page with the scores. We were playing a few pieces by Shostakovich tonight. Difficulty level was pretty high for such a large ensemble to play well, but I'm sure we managed.

The conductor started to conduct. I hit the first note with my bow. The piece was really fast. My bow was going up and down rapidly, and so was Kerri's. All our bowings and intonation were in sync, producing a very loud sound which resonated throughout the auditorium. After we were done with that piece, I was already covered in a fine sheen of sweat. I flipped to the next piece. This piece was slightly slower and the mood was gentler. We started to play, our bows making the string vibrate, producing such a heavy sound but so warm and beautiful at the same time. The sounds that we produces an a whole ensemble was simply breathtaking. The high notes that pierced the air produced by the violins accompanied by the deep vibrations by the doublebasses. This was an awesome concert. I seriously didn't know why I was so nervous before. Now I see why Kerri kept telling me there was no need to be nervous.

After the concert ended, I was famished. I have not eaten dinner yet and it was getting pretty late. My parents have already ate before coming here, so they told me to eat dinner myself, after saying that, they gave me a fifty and went home. Seeing that Kerri also have not ate... "Hey Kerri, uh, do you want to eat dinner with me?" Kerri looked at me, before saying yes. After taking off her makeup and packing our instruments, etc, we went to the nearby restaurant by our housing complex, the one we went with my uncle and aunt every fortnight. We entered the restaurant, and quickly got seated. We ordered our food. While waiting, we started talking about our future. Cliche topics, I know. "Kerri, what are your plans after you have graduated? Will you be going to university?" Kerri looked like she was deep in thought. I almost thought she had not heard my question. I was about to ask again when she said, "I want to be a mathematician. I am interested in MIT though." That was cool, I wasn't that obsessed with maths but I could tell that she really enjoyed it. "What about you?" she asked me back. "Uh, uh, uh..." I looked down at my hands. My dream occupation was so weird. I wonder if she would judge me though. "I want to be a writer. I really like literature."

~Two days before the end of the holidays~

Kerri and I were to meet up for another study session tomorrow even though it was a Friday. The second semester was approaching with meant that finals were approaching. Everyone was busy mugging and preparing for their examinations already. The good thing about my high school was that they tended to cram a year's worth of syllabus within six months so that we will have more time to revise and that we will actually remember the topics better as we will have more revision time in class. I have already prepared all my notes for every subject and all I have to do was to read through them and memorise for some subjects. Preparation was going really well but the competition between my peers and I were really strong so the stakes were really high, I had to achieve close to perfect results just to get a decent placing. I was feeling really really stressed out. Kerri also had important exams and project work going on so we weren't able to meet up that frequently, apart from cca and Saturdays (yes it's already four days a week), we don't see each other anymore. Whenever I felt stressed out about studying too much, I think back to the day of the concert. When people said that chemistry between people were real, they are not lying at all. When Kerri and I started playing, this burst of adrenaline and a weird feeling shot through me. It was a most peculiar feeling but it felt really good.

Whenever I felt stressed, I think back to the day of the concert, and somehow it instantly calms me and clear my mind a little. Every Saturday, when that rush of anxiety over the exams engulf me, Kerri and I will just start talking to each other for a while, trying to calm my nerves down a little. With so much mugging going on, CCA was also more intense, practice stretching to seven instead of the usual six. There was a very important competition next year and we wanted very badly to clinch the top prize. I have less and less time to read nowadays. Another thing I do when I was stressed out was to read too. After a few chapters, I feel better, and GHE ability to function returns to me. To say my schedule was hectic and tiring was seriously an understatement. However, It as enjoying myself on Saturdays and during cca sessions so I supposed my everyday life was indeed pretty okay.

I sauntered my way to class. I was about to reach my class when I bumped into a guy that was really big sized and tall. I apologised profusely immediately, for fear he would get angry at me. He seemed like the aggressive bully kind. Whilst apologising, I felt strong arms around me. Wait, wait, wait, that guy was hugging me? Right outside my classroom?

I am terribly confused.

Four Years ApartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora