So Bloody Confused

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~Kerri's POV~

This was what was written on the note:

Dear Kerri,

We have known each other for five years. You have helped me through the darkest and lowest points of my life. You're the best person in this school I have met. You're flawless in every way.

I can no longer deny the feelings I have felt so strongly for you. I know this is a really unromantic way, but I hope this was kind of a surprise, but,

Kerri, will you be my girlfriend?


I read the note several times before the reality could sink in. My friend of five years in this school, is confessing to me and wants to be together. Well, I indeed had feelings for him, but, I guess I'm not the most romantic person either. Plus, I can't really convey my emotions to people that well. Wei, is just such a nice person, I'm sure he deserves better than me right? He likes me, and I like him, if he even knows. Confused, confused, confused. I really don't know what to even think anymore. Well, I do the one thing I do best: I run. I quickly regained my composure and went into the house. I went straight to my room and fell asleep, hoping that the much needed rest I needed would help me clear my mind.

I fell into deep sleep. It was nothing but darkness and happiness. It was calm and serene. I awoke, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. It was 9 pm, which meant I slept for an hour and a half. I walked to the dining room and took my dinner to the kitchen to heat it. The memories of Wei's confession came flooding back into my mind. I had feelings for him, but he said it felt different between us. He said it wasn't the same anymore. In a good way or bad way, though? I guessed I just took it a bad way. I took the note and reread it. The note was written in January, almost four months ago. Wait, if this was written so long ago, why only give it to me now?

I picked up my phone and texted him immediately.

Me: What was note about?

Wei: What note?

Me: The one, you know, the confession...


Me: *takes picture of note* This note?

Wei: How. Did. It. Get. To. You. What. Even.

Me: ??

Wei: Okay. So, I wrote this note four months ago. I was thinking of confessing to you, but was too chicken to. So I thought of writing a note and giving it to you instead. I never even had the courage to. I always kept the note in my file, maybe when I felt the time is right, I would give it to you. Lately, I've been really really confused at whether I've really liked you as more than a friend.

Me: Wait what?

Wei: Look, I've been crushing on you big time since last year. I was almost sure that those feelings were genuine this year, hence writing the note. Not having the courage, I just sorta put it on hold. Slowly, I guess those feelings disappeared. I guess it was just an infatuation. I'm not sure if you like me that way but just let me say your one of my only friends and one of my best friends. You're an awesome friend.

Me: Oh. I have been crushing on you since last year too, haha. But recently I've been really confused too. Guess we're just confused friends. Well I'm glad we can be friends. I'm not mad at you or anything. I guess the feelings I had for you were just an infatuation. Well I still want to establish a strong friendship though. So tell me, how do you have your eye on at the moment.

Wei: Well, there's something I've been meaning to tell you too. Kerri, I think I'm, bisexual. I've been feeling quite strongly for a guy in your class, Owen?

Me: SQUEEEEEEEE YOU ARE BI? OH MY GOODNESS I AM SOOO HAPPY FOR YOU. Okay, enough freaking out. So, what do you want to know about him?

Wei: Ummmmm, not really sure about my feelings yet, still confused haha. But is he straight?

Me: Hell no. He's as straight as a rainbow. Go get him :)

Wei: Haha. What about you? Anyone special?

Me: Not going to tell anytime soon, sorry. Still trying not to die.

Wei: It's okay :) thank you so much for accepting me for who I am.

And that's the end of our short conversation. I kind of felt bad when he told me something so big and told me he had a crush on one of my classmates yet I didn't have the guts to tell him that I was literally crushing on a guy that's four years younger than me. I really could not stop lying to myself at this moment. Shane was not just a friend to me. He was something out of this world, literally. He was not normal at all. Once you have gotten to know him, he wasn't all that bad. I still could not understand why he did not have more friends. He was seriously the cutest and most adorable guy I have ever met so far. He may be really shy and well, in a way not that much like a guy, but he was freaking awesome! His personality was seriously goals. I really wonder if he had feelings for me. I guess he was still young, four years apart to be exact. However, he is much more mature than most kids his age. He was definitely different, in a really good way. He was my princess. Mine.

~Shane's POV~

Oh my goodness. The new school term turned out to be more busy than I thought. Having to juggle three days of CCA a week was getting increasingly hard. I still had piano lessons on Tuesday and cello lessons on Thursday. My schedule was jammed pack with five days of music filled lessons. I managed to finish all my homework in no time, but one thing that was really bugging me was the fact that I didn't have that much time anymore to read. Normally I can finish half a book in a day, but now it has been reduced to a quarter. On days where I'm lucky, a third. Despite being so busy, I had to squeeze in time to read. Books were like my drugs. I just cannot stop once I pick up a book. The only reason I have to stop is to sleep. I really need to recover from that traumatic dinner. So this is what happens that day that literally scarred my brains. I could have swore my mom was about to break down right then and there too. Didn't blame her though.

I arrived at the restaurant after saying goodbye to Kerri. They were already there. There were drinks on their table. They were chatting obnoxiously loud. By they I mean everyone except the kids and my mom. Normally my mom was a decently outgoing person but I guess she just can't stand her own husband's siblings. I gave everyone a small wave and sat next to my mother. I took a sip of the ice water in front of me and secretly took out my book to read under the table. No way in hell was I engaging with a conversation in them. However, my nosey ass aunt just had to make the comment on the high school that I had entered. "Oh my Shane! You are in such a prestigious high school! It must be an honour!" I gave her a weak smile and immediately went back to my book. I decided to block out all the questions and comment thrown at me and just let myself fall into the wondrous book I was reading. When the food arrived, I was pretty hungry. I ate slowly, savouring the rich flavour of the carbonara pasta I had ordered. The crispy bacon was indeed very delicious, one of the best I had. Ever since my uncle had gone on his business trip, I haven't ate here, and I missed my dear pasta. Food...

As I was eating, I noticed a family of four walking into the restaurant. One of the people were wearing the high school uniform. I decided to look up from my food and turn to see the family. A familiar back was facing me... KERRI! She was dining at the restaurant with her family. While I wanted really badly to go say hi, I was too shy, and nervous, and I died. I wasn't really a social person, and I have been socially awkward my whole life. As I was eating, I secretly texted Kerri. She replied, we started talking. Halfway through our conversation, she saw me in real life and came over to say hi. Well seeing that someone was actually talking to me for once, my uncle and aunt could not shut up. I heard something along the lines of girlfriend. I even heard the word virginity. What in the world were they talking about? I saw Kerri tapping on her phone for a moment, and looked at what seemed to be her sister. They nodded at each other. Before I knew it, Kerri's smooth hands were around my wrists, and we were running away from the restaurant, into the sparkling night sky.

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