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~Shane's POV~

I could not believe my eyes. That tall dark silhouette was indeed Kerri. If she arrived at the park at 5 am, she must have left her house at 4 to walk here, as the trains were not in service yet. Pushing those thoughts, I saw her stretching and plugging her earphones into her phone. After she stretched, she started jogging at a very fast pace. Her long legs propelled Her forward at tremendous speeds. I never knew she was so athletic. Meanwhile I am always an emotional mess 24/7. Within a minute and a half, she had completed a round around the park which was 400m. I could not help myself. I called out her name. Her head shot at my direction. She stopped, as if slightly taken aback at anyone calling her name. She walked towards me. "Shane?" she asked, concerned laced in her voice. She probably could see the stray tears still falling from my eyes. She walked forward and placed her thumb under my eyes and wiped the tears away. Her fingers were so smooth, her touch so gentle. She asked me what I was doing at the park so early in the morning. I merely told her I came here to get some morning exercise, which was a huge lie.

"I didn't know you were so athletic. But isn't there a park near your place? Why do you come to this park instead? Isn't the walk and hour long from your place to this park?" I asked her. She said that she loved this park ever since Wei brought her here. My eyebrows shot up at the mention of S foreign name. "Wei?" I asked. She looked at me, and said, "Oh, uh, he's a friend of mine. He happens to be in our school too. Have been friends since our diaper days." I can't help but think about that word friends. Only a friend? He sounded more than that. Before she could see me tear up again, I told her I should probably go hack home soon. We waved goodbye and I walked back home while she continued her crazy fast jogging.

~Kerri's POV~

"I really hate this place. I'm thinking of transferring out. The whole atmosphere is just not for me I guess. I've managed to survive five years here but I don't think I can stay here no more. I'm transferring to another school at the start of next year and I will prepare for my National Exams there. We could still meet up I guess..."

Wei's voice echoed through my mind as soon as his name slipped from my mouth. Two weeks ago, he told me he wanted to transfer out. Why? I remember feeling so sad for the few days after he told me. The only time I felt myself was when I went out with Shane to the library. When I mentioned Wei, Shane seemed a little shaken up. Almost immediately, he told me he had to go. His behaviour was very abnormal. "Wei..." I whispered his name out loud. I cranked up my music and picked up my pace, trying to push his name out of my mind.

~Shane's POV~

Just a friend. Friend. The spectrum of a friend was very wide. Where is Wei on that spectrum?

Am I feeling... Jealous?

I've never felt jealousy before, I don't even know what jealousy felt like, yet why was this emotion I am feeling right now so painful? Not long later, I arrived home and went back to bed. I tried to push all the emotions and thoughts out of my mind. I felt my eyelids growing heavier, until I finally fell asleep once again. When I woke up, I immediately washed up and ate breakfast, before returning to my room to play the piano. Chopin Nocturne op 48 no 1. One of my favourite nocturnes. As music fills my room, I tried to push everything negative out of my mind, which was actually just about everything. One thing remained in my mind: Kerri.

All my life, my parents were the best people that has ever existed in my life. However, they were always running around and were always busy with their jobs. During my darkest three years, they weren't there for me. They love me, but they were sometimes too wrapped up in their work. They didn't even know how I almost died. How I cried. I still love them, and forever will. As my fingers graced the ivory keys, the rich and warm sound flooded my room. Emotions flooded into my heart which in turn led to tears flowing down my cheeks again. I cry way too much, don't I. Feeling way too emotional over the most trivial things. But, I am me.

My parents accepted me for who I am. I'm just not your normal stereotypical guy. I'm sure Kerri accepts me too. The warmth I feel with her makes me so happy and, loved.

~Kerri's POV~

I stared at the piece of work for almost a half hour. My brain refuses to work apparently. Truth was, after Shane and I exchanged addresses, I started going to that park near his house, hoping that I would meet him. Last night, I could not sleep. I decided to go to that park, to feel close to him. I totally did not expect to see him there. He seemed terribly lonely and sad as usual. Wei was lonely back when he was Shane's age. I was the first one to talk to him actually. Memories of me in Year one flooded in. Wei was the awkward bean of the class back then. Ever since we started talking, we grew really close.  I remembered spending recess and lunch with him. Lately, he started getting really busy with schoolwork. He told me he had to get really good results to be able to transfer out. That day we had that painful heartwrenching conversation, he also told me that I was the reason he survived five years in the school. I was the only reason that made the experience that hellhole as he said decently bearable.

He also said, it wasn't the same anymore.

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