Chapter Twenty Six ~ I Love You Too, Liz

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“Why do my arms get all the attention? I know you love my arms, but I know you love my lips even more.” Niall teased. I laughed and stood on my tippy toes, kissing his lips.

“There will be time for kissing later. I know I’m not going to be getting any sleep with you here, which isn’t smart because I have an interview tomorrow, but you know what… you’re more important.” I said, taking his hand and leading him towards the couch. He laughed and sat down. I picked up the movies and then displayed them.

“Which do you want to watch? I’d rather watch Despicable Me because it’s so cute and I love the Minions, plus Finding Nemo makes me want to cry.” I said.

                Niall started laughing a little harder, which made me blush. I swear I have no control over my body around him. Two years into the relationship and I still get butterflies and blush when I’m around him. It’s really not fair.

“Put in whatever you want. I doubt we’ll actually watch the movie anyway.” Niall said. Once again I blushed. After putting the movie into the TV I sat down next to Niall, who was already pulling me as close as I could get.

                Niall was right, we didn’t actually watch the movie. We mostly just sat around talking, kissing, or just goofing around like we always do. It felt so great having him around. I haven’t seen him since I was in New York, which was such a long time ago. Almost a month actually.

“You know, my mom’s really looking forward to meeting you. So is my little sister.” I said, running my hand through his hair. He was now on my lap as the next movie, Catching Fire, played on the TV. His eyes were closed, but he a small smile appeared on his face each time I ran my hands through his hair. I know he likes that a lot, which is why I do it a lot.

“Really? They really want to meet me?” Niall asked.

“Of course, I mean they see me and you together all the time in magazines and online. I can’t wait for you to meet them either.” I said, leaning down and kissing his lips lightly. He opened his eyes after I pulled away and took my hand, playing with my fingers.

“I can’t wait for you to meet my parents. My mom is so excited, I’ve told her so much about you. So is my Dad, don’t get me started on Greg. They are all so excited. Speaking of which, my mom wants me to let you know that she’s going to make all your favorite foods or something like that. I don’t know.” Niall said, his voice getting slow as he finished up speaking.

“Aw, she doesn’t have to do that. I’ll be fine. But Niall, baby, are you tired?” I asked. His eyes were closed again and he had my hand resting on his chest.

“What? No, I’m fine. I just want to spend time with you.” Niall said. I laughed a little and pulled my hand away from his chest, cupping his cheek. I stroked his cheek, which earned a smile from him.

“C’mon Ni, you’re tired. Let’s go to bed.” I said. He shook his head and I sighed. He’s so stubborn sometimes. I know he’s tired, and he knows that he’s tired.

“But babe, if we go to bed that means you’ll be able to hold me in your arms. Plus it’s almost two in the morning and I need to get to bed as well.” I said. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. I smiled, seeing the blue eyes I fell so in love with.

“Fine, but only because the bunks are small and there’s not a lot of room which means you’ll be in my arms the whole night.” He said, slowly sitting up. I laughed a little and kissed the back of his shoulder before I stood up. It was the only place I could actually reach because of our positions, so I couldn’t kiss his lips.

                I walked over to the small dresser thing that holds all of my clothes. I pulled out a tank top and some shorts and then put them on my bunk. Niall came up to me, pulling out a green tee shirt of his backpack. Now I know what’s in it. Clothes. I probably should’ve realized that before.

Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee ElKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat