Chapter 37: Dear Brooklyn

Start from the beginning

Mizuki's eyes opened, but his eyes weren't the same.

They were orange.

"Define stupidity to me then, stupid girl."

What? "Why do I have to justify myself to you? I don't even..."

And I don't know how, but Mizuki somehow managed to kick me down when I wasn't noticing. I tried to stand back up but Mizuki clutched onto my neck and pinned me to the ground.

This wasn't Mizuki at all.

"What...have you...done to...Mizuki?" I rasped.

"Mizuki, Sazuki. Don't you know how a Time Rotation Incense Burner works? Souls are transported through time, their bodies aren't. They're empty vessels. Do your homework."

I growled and tried to knee this guy in the groin but he dodged my kick. A wide grin started to spread across his face.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, now! Don't get all feisty now. I just came here to give you a gift." Fake Mizuki got off me and crossed his legs. It was like nothing ever happened! As I sat up he just continued to smirk at me.

Hmm. "How can you possibly give me a gift when you're in Mizuki's body?" I questioned fake Mizuki suspiciously

Fake Mizuki gave me a bored look. "I'm a god, honey. Not a ghost."


Mizuki joined his hands together and a bright light shined inside his hands. Since when was fake Mizuki Edward Elric?

The light started to fade and fake Mizuki opened his eyes and peered inside of what was in his hands. He smiled at himself with delight and looked up to me. "Hand, please!"

Honestly, I didn't know whether I trusted this guy. He robbed Mizuki's body, he attacked me and now he's treating me like I'm stupid or something.

"Uuugh, would it make it better if I said this was a gift that your boyfriend was trying to get from me?"

I folded my arms. "What boyfriend?"

"The small fluffy fox one."

"You mean Tomoe?"

"He will always be a small fluffy fox in my eyes," he said admiringly, "...but okay, sure...Tomoe. He sent me to give this to you."

Yeah right.

"Tomoe is currently stuck in a White Butterfly King Shell and is probably down at the bottom of the ocean." I told him spitefully, "You, my friend, are bluffing."

Fake Mizuki's eyes looked vacant. "He didn't tell you?" Fake Mizuki slapped his forehead and started chuckling. "Of course he didn't. Wow, well isn't he a sentimental fox."

My nose scrunched up. "What didn't he tell me?"

Fake Mizuki laughed and lay down on the ground. "Okay girl, listen good because I'm not repeating. Real Mizuki could come back any second so please..." he suddenly raised his fist with the mysterious item in it. "...take the damn box outta' my hand already."

I thought about doing that whole "NOT UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHY!" but what was the point? It seemed kind of pointless in the current predicament I was in.

I sighed and gave in. "Okay."

My hand was out to fake Mizuki and he cupped both his hands around my one.

He brushed a piece of my hair back and whispered, "Muteki."

Fake Mizuki placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "I was only instructed to bring that to you when I and Tomoe thought it was best. This is best it will be getting for you. You're on your own now, kid."

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