Chapter #10

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"Hey! Wake up!"
Toby and Masky woke up after being startled from their sleep by Lavender shouting. Toby looked down to the foot of the bed to see Lavender sitting there, fully dressed with her long hair tied back into a ponytail.
"Finally," she exclaimed, "I've been trying to wake you guys up for the past twenty minutes!"
"Mn, what time is it?" Toby groaned as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Masky leaned over and looked at the clock on Toby's night stand. "Uh, 12 : 24."
Blankets were suddenly flying everywhere and Toby shot out of bed and towards his bedroom door.
"I'm getting food," he said before flying out of the room and running downstairs.
"Does he always do that?" Lavender asked as she looked over at Masky who had flopped back down onto his back.
"Not as much as he used to. During the first year he was here, if he woke up even a minute late, he'd just come bursting into the kitchen looking like he hadn't slept at all. His hair would be a mess, his clothes weren't even on right half of the time, and it was really...adorable," Masky replied, a small smile appearing on his face. Lavender giggled as she watched the young man go further into his dream world.
"Hey!" she shouted, snapping her fingers in front of Masky's face, slightly startling him.
"It looks like you're having fun in that little fantasy world of your's, but we should probably get downstairs and stop Toby from eating everything," Lavender said and they both jumped when they heard a loud 'thud' from downstairs. Masky threw the rest of the blankets to the side and followed Lavender out into the hall and downstairs to the living room.
"What the hell's going on down here?" Masky asked as he stepped into the living room, a frown on his face. In front of him, the couch was tipped back and Jeff had Toby pinned to the ground while they yelled back and fourth at each other.
"You are the most idiotic person I've ever had the displeasure of knowing!" Toby shouted up at Jeff as he narrowed his eyes at the practically fuming killer.
"Ha! Look who's talking!" Jeff shouted back and Toby's mouth went into a straight line. "Is that seriously the best you've got?"
"Sadly, yes."
Toby burst out laughing and kicked Jeff off of him, sending the older man flying back against the wall.
"What the hell was that?" Masky asked and Lavender giggled.
"Jeez, you have missed a lot. They've started doing that about twice a week now. They'll attack each other and see who has the most insulting thing to say. It isn't always that insulting, but it's funny to see them try. And by the looks of it, Toby won today," the child explained then ran off to go help Toby lift the couch back up.
"Masky, dude, your bed-head is ridiculous," BEN said with a snicker and Masky just narrowed his eyes at he elf who quickly went back to his DS. Masky walked over to Toby who had finally gotten the couch back up with help from Lavender, and he wrapped an arm around the smaller boy's waist.
"Go any further than this, and I'll slap you so hard that the dead will feel it," Toby said and Masky snickered, kissing the boy's cheek.
"PDA!" LJ shouted as he popped up from the behind the couch like a Jack-in-the-box.
"How is it PDA if I'm in my own house?" Masky asked and the clown slowly disappeared behind the couch again. Lavender let out a small giggle-snort which was followed by Sally's own giggling.
"He's really like one of those clown toys, isn't he?" Lavender exclaimed as she watched LJ pop up again, candy flying from his hands.
"It's funny how easily the two of you are entertained," Masky said and grunted when Toby elbowed him in his ribs.


Cecil: Holy shit, another chapter!!

Toby: *slowly clapping* Good for you.

Cecil: Don't be such a smart ass -.-

Toby: Shut up and give these people updates.

Cecil: Bleh. *author mode activated* Anyway, I'll try to get a chapter or two up tonight or tomorrow, but I can't say that anything is for certain. I have job shadowing at my local library tomorrow from 8 to 5 and the internet there isn't very good. I have an hour break for lunch and I'll see what I can do during then, alright? If I get home in time, I'll be able to publish some stuff for this story.

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