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I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating lately, things have been going on with school and homework and on top of that, I just lost someone very close to me; I practically grew up with him.
My Nana's dog just died and I know that it may seem like a stupid thing to cry about to some people, but I grew up with that dog, alright?. He was there with me from the very beginning and there wasn't a single day that he didn't make me happy when I saw him. I'm not looking for sympathy, okay? I will never ask you guys for that and I don't believe I ever have. I'm just trying to explain why updates haven't been happening lately and why I haven't been on here as much as I would like to be. So I don't want to see people saying 'Oh, well, you're just looking for attention, you attention-whore', okay? Okay.
Again, I'm really really really sorry, I'll try to update soon but with how things are going with my Nana, I might not be able to.


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