Chapter #2

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Not more than twenty minutes later, Toby was woken up by a loud thud from downstairs.
He quickly stood up from his desk, careful to not knock the papers onto the floor, and ran downstairs, forgetting his hatchets.
When he reached the first floor, he saw a slight silhouette in the middle of the living room, just simply standing there. He took a step forward, and winced when his foot hit something, making a noise and catching the intruder's attention.
"Uh, hi?"
Toby yelped as he was tackled to the ground and a gun was pressed to his temple.
"Wait, Toby?" An oh-so-familiar voice asked as the gun was lowered from his head.
"M-M-Masky?" Toby stuttered as he slowly sat up, propping himself up on his elbows and squinting into the darkness.
"H-Holy shit, i-it's a-actually y-you."
"Jesus Christ, Toby. Oh god," Masky whispered and tightly wrapped his arms around the younger Proxy.
Toby clung to Masky's jacket, realizing how much he had missed him.
"What's going on down here?" Clocky asked as she turned the living room lights on.
Now that Toby was able to clearly see Masky, he could see that Masky's mask had small dots of blood on it and his jacket had large blood stains on the sleeves.
"What the hell happened to you?" Clocky asked as she noticed the blood, as well.
"I ran into some trouble on my way here, no biggie," Masky replied with a slight shrug of a shoulder.
"Ugh, go get cleaned up," Toby said and slid out from under the bigger male, standing up and straightening out his pajamas.
Masky quickly walked to the bathroom, leaving Clocky to interrogate Toby.


After all was said and done, Masky followed Toby back up to his bedroom where he threw off his mask and pinned Toby down onto the bed and roughly pressed his lips against the younger boy's. Toby allowed this to happen and quickly wrapped his arms around Masky's neck, pulling him closer while Masky straddled his waist, grinding down every few minutes.


Toby sighed as he laid his head on Masky's chest, listening to his heart beat.
"Did you miss me?" Masky quietly asked, running his fingers through the boy's hair.
Toby tiredly nodded his head, his eyes slowly drooping shut as sleep overwhelmed him.
Masky fondly smiled down at his young lover, watching as he slowly fell asleep.


The next morning, Masky and Toby were given a very rude wake up call.
LJ burst into the room, candy flying from his hands, and shouted so loud that he had both of the Proxies up within seconds.
"God damn motherfucking bitch ass clown," Toby grumbled, shoving his face into one of the pillows.
"Oh, calm down, I'm just here to tell the two of you that it's time for breakfast," LJ said and dropped to the floor when a pillow came flying towards him.
"Get outta my room," Toby growled, his narrowed eyes locking with LJ's and practically challenging him to stay in the room for another minute.
"Right, so I'll uh...I'll see you downstairs," the clown stuttered and crab walked out of the room.
Masky chuckled and wrapped an arm around Toby's waist, pulling him back against his body.
"You were about to break his nose, weren't you?" he asked and Toby nodded his head, pouting that he wasn't able to at least throw a book at the stupid clown.
Toby's head shot up when he heard Jeff and Sally arguing from downstairs.
"Oh shit, mama bear has come out of hiding, I repeat, mama bear has-"
"Shut your mouth and help me find my clothes."
Toby quickly slipped his clothes on after finding them in random places in his room and ran downstairs to find Sally and Jeff fighting over a video game, EJ sitting between them, perfectly calm.
He watched as EJ held his controller out to Sally and snickered when Jeff's eyes widened and he looked back and forth from EJ to Sally before crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. "You traitor..."


Cecil: Ugh, I'm staring to get further while writing smut and I hate it.

Masky: I'm actually enjoying it.

Cecil: Of course you are, you perv.

Masky: I AM NOT-

Toby: Don't even try denying it, you perv.

Masky: TOBY!

*wall of waffles blocks Toby from Masky*

Cecil: Author magic...*slowly disappears and ends up behind the wall with Toby*

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