Chapter #8

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Toby bit the skin on his fingers out of nervousness as he paced back and forth outside of Slendy's office. He had gone in there roughly twenty minutes ago to ask if there was anything that they could do to get Masky and Slendy had told him to wait out in the hall with the others while he looked through some things. They all jumped when the door suddenly flew open and Slendy stepped out of his office which--from what Toby saw--was a complete mess.
"Uh, Slendy? What went on in there?" Zero asked as she pushed herself off of the wall.
"I've figured out how to save Masky," Slendy said and Toby stopped biting his fingers. He looked up at the papers that Slendy was holding and could just barely see strange writing on them that must've been a spell of some kind.
"What did you find?" Jeff asked as he tried to look at the papers. Slendy quickly shooed him away and quickly called for a meeting in the living room. The Pastas all tripped over each other as they raced downstairs to the living room and finally fell flat on the floor when they reached the last step. Slendy turned towards them and they all scrambled to their feet and ran to find seats. Once they did, Slendy cleared his throat and began.
"Now you all know that when he went to rescue Masky and Toby, the only two that were able to make it through were Toby and Lavender. During my searching for an alternative, I found an old book of spells. Keep in mind, there are some very dangerous spells in here and the one that I am about to perform will cost me some of my power."


"You ready for this?" Clocky asked as she looked over at Toby who was twitching and ticking uncontrollably. Toby could only nod his head 'yes' in reply. Slendy stepped forward and after opening the book and unfolding the papers in his hand, he began speaking in a native language that no one else understood. Toby's eyes widened when a dark red portal began to appear in the middle of the circle that the Pastas had made. Slendy stopped talking and motioned for the others to go ahead and jump right in. The first one to go was Zero. She took off running and jumped into the portal, a wild look on her face.
Painter dropped in after her, then EJ, LJ, Jeff, BEN, Hoodie, Puppet, Jason, Clocky, and finally Toby.
The young man tightly gripped his hatchets in his hands and jumped into the portal, the darkness enveloping him. When the light finally hit his eyes, the first thing he saw was the ground rushing towards him. He let out a short gasp before switching his position and landing on his feet, making his spine tingle. Clocky reached out and grabbed the back of his jacket and pulled him over to the rest of the group who had been talking about a plan.
"Alright, half of us will be the distractions, and the other half will go find Masky," Zero said and everyone nodded their heads. "Alright, now go!"

Half of the group took off down the left hall while the other half took off down the right hall towards the cells. Toby began running ahead of the others, looking in every cell as he ran. He stopped at one when he saw a hunched up figure in the corner...a familiar figure.
The figure's head shot up and Toby turned out to be right. Masky quickly stood up and ran over to the bars, tightly gripping them in his hands. In the light, Toby could see Masky's face. He had a busted lip, a black eye, and a bloody nose.
"Guys! I-I found h-him!" Toby shouted and the others came running down towards him; LJ already had his lock picking tools out. The monochrome clown quickly got to work on picking the lock and within a minute, the cell door slid open and Masky shout out of the cell. He ran directly into Toby, sending both of them falling back against the wall on the other side of the narrow hall, and pressed his rough lips against Toby's soft ones. Jeff made a fake gagging noise and Clocky slapped him in the back of his head.
Masky slowly pulled away and looked down at Toby, softly whispering, "I missed you."


Cecil: It's late, I know, but at least I got a chapter up, right? Right.

Toby: You have to update another story tomorrow, you know.


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