Chapter #1

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Toby looked out of his bedroom window, his eyes scanning the forest.
After Masky had left, he and Hoodie had managed to kill the rest of the group that was trying to find them and erase the info that the men had about them.
There was a knock on his door and Toby quickly hopped off of his bed and walked over to his door, pulling it open and smiling at Clocky.
"Hey there, Clock," he greeted. "What brings you to my room?"
"You and I have a game night planned, remember?" the young woman asked, putting her hands on her hips and cocking an eyebrow at her young friend.
"Oh shit, yeah! Get in here, I got a whole bag full of new games!" Toby exclaimed, turning back to his room and flipping the lights on, lighting the whole room up.
"What are you? A fuckin vampire?" Clocky grumbled, noticing the difference with the room from when the lights were off.
The younger brunette stuck his tongue out at the woman who quickly did the same thing, flipping the bird as well.


"Cheater!" Clocky shouted as she threw the Xbox controller to the ground and glared at Toby who sat beside her, grinning.
"I did no such thing," Toby snickered in reply.
"Ugh, I'm gonna go downstairs and get food. You wanna come?" the older of the two sighed as she stood up from her bean bag and looked down at the Proxy who nodded his head and followed her downstairs to the kitchen.
"So, got any kills planned for later on tonight?" Clocky asked, grabbing a bag of chips and putting them on the counter.
Toby shook his head. "No, I'm gonna stay home tonight and get some paperwork done."
The two headed back to Toby's room where they spent the next few hours playing video games until Clocky had to leave to go find new victims.
Then, Toby was left alone to work on files and cases.
So far, there had been three missing reports from Jeff, three missing from Zero, six missing from BEN, and twenty missing from Jason.
With a groan, he pulled himself to his feet and walked up to the fourth floor where Jason's room was.
He knocked on the door three times and nearly jumped back when it swung open to reveal a very bloody Jason.
"Well, well, well, lookie here. If it isn't little Toby," Jason chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame.
"First of all, don't call me that, second of all, you're missing reports. Twenty, to be exact," Toby said and flinched when Jason's eyes narrowed at him.
"Oh? Is that a problem?" the older man asked, glaring at the boy in front of him.
"Well...yes. It is, actually. Boss needs those reports to make sure that all of the targets are being taken care of," Toby replied, fighting the urge to turn tail and run. "I'm sure you understand."
"Oh yes, I understand. It's just...I'm a bit busy at the moment," Jason said, gesturing to his blood soaked clothes.
Toby sighed. "Just...try to get them to me by tomorrow night."
With that he quickly turned around and practically ran back downstairs to his room, locking his door after running in.
"Ugh, creepy bastard," he mumbled as he shuddered.
He sat back down at his desk and began working once again, eventually falling asleep in the middle of his paperwork.

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