Chapter 16

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*after a little while*

Pete- *comes running in with Susan behind him holding her hand ,* is everyone ok

Ed- Yh we r fine

Lu- nods her head

Su- what about mum , if she heard the sirens she would be down here or even in the house

Lu- maybe she went to the shelter, she did have the keys

Ed- but she would come looking for us if we weren't there right

Su- yes of coarse

Lu- then why isn't she here

Pete- maybe when she heard the sirens she ran into aunt Pollyannas house and into there shelter

Lu- but I want mum

Pete- well we can't go back up and out on the street , we'll get killed

Su- Lucy come here , u have us

*the bombs get closer and u can hear them a lot louder*

Pete- * sat reading his book*

Ed-* sat looking and holding the picture of dad*

Lu- *was snuggled in with Susan and Susan was sleeping ( they where lying on the bed)

Eventually the bomb hit the house and the children blacked out...

Find out what happens in the next chapter

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