Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV
I was on my way to the train station with my brothers and sister, when I heard a girl call my name all four of us turned around, " Hey Lucy, can u go anywhere by yourself or r u to scared ( Lucy slowly stepped behind Peter when she said this holding onto his arm very tight ) bet u can't even walk across a road without your brothers." She stopped when she saw Peter getting ready to go over to her, but I stopped him, " She's not worth it" I said to him, so he stepped back and grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug. When he let go Edmund put his arm over my shoulder and we carried on walking. I don't know what Lara's ( the girl who was mean to Lucy) problem is, I mean Edmund always said to me that she's just jealous that I have brothers and a sister, as she herself is an only child, but j always thought there was more  to it than that.

Susan's POV

I go and meet my family at the train station, as I walk closer I can see Edmund with his arm around Lucy's shoulder and her head buried in his chest, Peter was day dreaming as always, as I sat down beside them I asked Peter what was wrong with every one, he said to me " A girl was mean to Lucy that's all " it's like he didn't want me to know what had happened, this was weird.

Peter's POV
When I saw Susan coming towards us i knew that she was going to ask what's wrong with every one, but I didn't want to tell her cause Susan would be up there hitting the girl and shouting at her why would u say something like that to my sister, so i just told her a girl was a little mean to Lucy that's all. Tbh I really just wanted to go up to her and tell her everything that had happened in NARNIA, and how brave Lucy had to be, and then going through the struggle of being back in boring old England again, she had no idea, so that's why we where all pretty badly hurt by it.

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