Chapter 9

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Sorry I haven't updated in like a week😌😌

Lauren's POV

This mite sound weird but every time I turn around I can see Edmund looking at me, but from previous events he never really seemed to like me and I always thought that that was just because I was never really the nicest person ever to Lucy, and u can't blame me for thinking that because he does love his sister. I just hope what I think is happening doesn't happen.

Lucy's POV

We where just walking across the beach when suddenly I felt as if I was being dragged away so I screamed " OWWW" everyone suddenly turned around " What's wrong Lu" Peter said anxiously, " something is pulling me away" I said, " Me too" said my brothers and my sister at the Same time, we all looked at Lauren " I don't feel anything" said Lauren, then suddenly we where plunked back in the train station in England, we looked around for Lauren but she wasn't there she must have got left behinde, it was as if NARNIA had made a mistake about bringing us all like it just needed Lauren.

Peters POV

I was very in happy about being back in England but I was kinda happy about Lauren staying cause there was something about her that didn't seem right.
When we got back in the train station the trains pulled up towards us and stopped I picked up my stuff and stormed of onto to the train.

Lucy's POV

When the train came Peter just stormed onto it and I think we all new why, we all looked at eachother and I whispered,
Lu- " Do u think he's in happy about being back?"
Ed- " Yh, by me aswell I really wish we could have stayed."
Su- "Me aswell"
Lu- " Finally when I make my first friend they have to leave again.😞"

Edmund POV
I put my arm around Lucy and told her "Don't worry about it you've got us." Though while saying this I was thinking to myself, Are we really gong to be ok because Peter is in happy and Lucy and normally it's Peter to cheer and look after Lucy so r we all going to drift apart?

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