Chapter 2

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Edmund POV

I heard Peter telling Susan that a girl was a little mean to Lucy, I don't think Lucy heard it though cause she had her head in my chest, when the train came me and Peter got up to get our bags and our hats, while Susan went over to Lucy and knelt down and brushed out Lucy's uniform, she also said something to her but I didn't hear. So we all got on the train, then we all got off we walked a little bit together but then the girls went the way to they're school and me and Peter went to ours, Lucy was in her first year of secondary school ( Writers note- I'm not sure if anyone else out of the U.K. Has secondary school but anyway, I live in the uk) so it was all scary for her then I was in my 2 year then Susan was in her 4 year then Peter was In his last.

Sorry short chapter, I would really appreciate it if people who read this would follow me and comment what things they would like to see in the following chapters

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