Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV
Earlier today Peter said that I should grow up then Susan and Edmund agreed that maybe we should start to grow up and as soon as I heard them say that my heart sank right down to the bottom of my stomach.
But then of coarse me having the best siblings in the world they talked to me about it and now I don't feel as bad about it as I did before but still I don't agree.

Su- Ed do u hear that

Ed- Yh

*lucy comes running into Susan's arms because she is scared*

Su- it's ok Lu we just need to find the key to the shelter

Ed- mum took it with her

Lu- well we can't just stay here and die

Su- we won't maybe we can pick  the lock.

*the sirens get louder and they can here bombs hitting houses*

Lu- what do we do

Su- go to Edmund for a minute
*to Edmund * Ed u take her and find somewhere to hide while I go and find Peter and turn all the lights off and close all the curtains.

Ed- takes Lucy's hand and goes down to the basement and hides under the stairs

Lu- I don't like this Edmund
I just want the war to be over and dad to be home and everything be back to the way it was before.

Ed- Lu we'll be fine don't worry, we're in the basement, and I miss dad to , we all do , by just remember he's out there fighting for our country and that's a good thing.

Lu- yes but we don't even know if he's alive
The letters stopped coming months ago

Ed- well it's just because the war got worse over the part few months and he might not have time.

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