Chapter Ten

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Sleep did not come to her. Instead, the world around her faded away and was replaced with hot air and the yowls of cats in fear and pain. She opened her eyes, reminded of her first vision from Starclan. It was the same vision as before. Fire was claiming the forest and cats were panicking everywhere. 

Bluekit was standing over Froststar like before. Birdpaw felt the familiar fear as Bluekit hovered over their leader. This didn't make any sense. Bluekit had left with Oaktooth and Featherfoot. Why was the vision still showing her Bluekit being the one to kill Froststar? 

Birdpaw quickly understood. Bluekit would be coming back. That meant she was either caught, came to attack, or wanted to return. And behind her reasons for killing Froststar was no doubt Birdpaw herself, Oaktooth, and Featherfoot. Birdpaw dug her claws into the dirt and was surprised to find she could move this time. 

She pushed herself forward toward the two she-cats. Bluekit was meowing something to her. Just as she raised her paw to do the final part of the vision, Birdpaw jumped and slammed into her, knocking her away from Froststar. Shocked by the ability to actually touch her, she couldn't prepare for the tumbling when they fell together. She was smashed by Bluekit when they rolled over.

Bluekit got off of her and got up. Birdpaw got to her feet as well and shook the dirt off of her fur. Bluekit glared at her. "Why did you stop me?" she demanded. 

"Because she doesn't deserve to die!" Birdpaw growled. 

"Yes, she does! She is weak! She lets the other clans take our territory and prey!"

What? What is she talking about? Birdpaw gave her an incredulous look. Before she could speak, everything wavered and vanished. Birdpaw was confused. Was the vision over already? But she needed to know what she meant! She was so close to learning more about the future!

Suddenly she was in among a crowd of cats. They were standing in a cave with an opening in the ceiling that let in sunlight. The light revealed many openings in the cave walls.

 She didn't recognize any of the cats as she looked at them. A growl dragged her attention to two toms glaring at each other in the middle of the camp. The clan was surrounding them, eyes glittering with anticipation and worry. 

One tom was mottled and the other had ginger fur.

"Stand down, Flamepelt!" growled the mottled tom. 

"Never! You're the one who needs to stand down, Nightstar!" Flamepelt snarled. 

Birdpaw leaned forward. Nightstar was the founder of Nightclan. She was in Nightclan? Nightstar's eyes glittered with anger. "Flamepelt, stand down." His voice was icy. 

"No! I will not. Hawkfur doesn't deserve to be deputy. I do!" Flamepelt raked his gaze across the cats surrounding them. "Tell Nightstar I am right. Stand with me against this tyranny!"

The cats instead moved away. 

Nightstar snorted in victory. "They will not be fooled by your outrageous claim. Now, leave. You are hereby banished from Nightclan!" 

"You cannot banish me if you are not leader!" Flamepelt yowled and pounced him. The two toms fought a skilled battle. The other cats cheered on Nightstar. Birdpaw found herself cheering with them. Nightstar was a legendary leader like his kin. She knew the good outcome of all of his leadership. These cats did not. Not yet. 

Nightstar soon had Flamepelt fleeing camp with his ear ripped in half. Nightstar held his head high. "Don't ever come back!" he called after him. The clan sent up their cheers of victory. 

"Long live Nightstar!" they called. 

Birdpaw itched to know why her kin was claiming all of the power once the excitement of the battle wore off. The clan went back to their duties. A tom started giving orders and she guessed he was Hawkfur. Nightstar padded toward an opening. Birdpaw quickly followed him. "Nightstar!" she called, hoping her voice could be heard. 

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