Chapter Eleven

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Bluepaw edged closer to the edge of the branch she was crouched on. She peered over the vine wall of Snowclan's camp. She could see her sister and a cat she never thought she would see again. Snakepaw! The handsome tom was walking close to Birdpaw as they went over to the fresh-kill pile. 

Their tails were twined. Bluepaw narrowed her eyes. If they were truly medicine cats, they wouldn't be so obvious about their love for each other. They wouldn't even be together! She glanced around the camp. The other cats were off on patrol. She could easily get in past the guard and try and become one of them again.

She missed clan life. It was a lot better than being a rogue. Oaktooth and Featherfoot were harsh when they trained her and often would steal her food. The two were now fat from her meals. She dug her claws into the wood. It always made her mad to think about it. She caught the prey. Why couldn't they just let her have it? 

Birdpaw and Snakepaw sat together to eat. When had they gotten so close? She remembered Snakepaw used to be so grumpy that everyone was scared to go near him. But since Birdpaw started living with them, he calmed down and treated everyone nicer. How could Snakepaw even like her? Birdpaw was a liar and she manipulated everyone around her. 

Bluepaw climbed down from the tree. She needed to put a stop to her. But it would take time. She couldn't just run in and attack them. She was outnumbered by them and the guard at the entrance. She would have to act like she wanted to rejoin them. But first, an offering.

After a quick bit of hunting, she caught two squirrels. She dragged them by their tails up to the entrance. The guard, Crowfur, stood when he saw her. "Bluekit?" he asked in shock, recognizing her. "You're back!" He ran to her. "We thought you were never coming back after Featherfoot took you!"

She set the squirrels down. "I managed to get away after they finally left me alone for a while. I want to rejoin Snowclan," she meowed as a cold wind blew, promising snow. 

Crowfur purred. "Come in. I'm sure Froststar will be happy to have you back." He led her in after she picked up the squirrels. 

Birdpaw and Snakepaw looked up from their meals and their eyes widened at the sight of her. Birdpaw got to her paws. She didn't run to greet her. Bluepaw didn't want her to either. Bluepaw set the squirrels down as a patrol bounded into camp behind her and Crowfur. Pelts were raised and they were growling, tails flicking. 

Their eyes landed on her as she turned around. Recognition flashed in their eyes and they calmed down. "Bluekit is back!" They surrounded her, purring and rubbing against her. 

She recognized Amberheart, Shimmertail, Longfur, and Snowfeather. The patrol sent to their sister clans had returned. Intrigued by the commotion, Froststar had come out of her den. Seeing her, Froststar bounded over to them. She pushed through the cats and stopped in front of her. "Bluekit, you're back!" 

Bluepaw noticed she was less enthusiastic about her return. Why was that? Bluepaw remembered the squirrels. She placed her paw on one. "I want to rejoin Snowclan. I hope you accept my offering." 

Froststar looked down at the offering of prey. Fear flashed through her blue eyes but it was gone quickly. "Yes, I accept your offering. Welcome back." Her voice was taut and she abruptly turned away. She headed back to her den, motioning with her tail for Snakepaw and Birdpaw to follow. Snowfeather ignored them. "Bluekit, let's share a meal together."

"It's Bluepaw now," she corrected, finally unable to stand being called Bluekit. 

"Oh? Did Featherfoot make you an apprentice? That's great!" So she knew about that day? It seemed that she didn't know that she had left on her own. This cat would be easy to use to get to the top. 

Bluepaw purred. "I'd be glad to."

"Heartpaw! Shroudpaw! Mudpaw!"

The two new apprentices looked around proudly as their name was cheered. Heathertail and Crowfur seemed to shout it the loudest. They were proud of their kits. Bluepaw felt regret when she thought of Leafkit. She should be here with them. But her life had been ended by an unknown cause. 

Heartpaw's mentor, Shimmertail, led Heartpaw out of camp after the cats broke apart to return to their duties. Shroudpaw and her mentor, Amberheart, followed close behind. Mudpaw and her mentor, Shardtail, were talking as they stayed behind. Bluepaw had yet to be given a mentor even though she had arrived a few days ago. 

Froststar seemed hesitant to give her one when she brought it up that morning. She doesn't trust me. She doesn't want me to be a warrior. Bluepaw growled quietly at the thought. She could see Froststar look at her with fear every time they were near each other. Maybe Birdpaw had told her something. 

Birdpaw always had something to do with the bad things happening to her. Said cat was talking with Froststar, their heads close. Snakepaw was with them. She watched with narrowed eyes as they came to some sort of decision. What had they been talking about? She knew the answer when Snakepaw glanced at her quickly. Stop talking behind my back.

She got up when Birdpaw began padding over to her. They glared at each other when she came to stop a few tail lengths away. "Snowfeather has been chosen for your mentor. It will be announced tonight."

"Finally. I was bored of having nothing to do," Bluepaw snorted. "So, what's been going on with you?"

"That is none of your concern. I am a medicine cat. You are not allowed to know what goes on." 

"You're my sister. I would like to know what happened while I was away," she meowed, feigning hurt. She knew Birdpaw saw right through it. 

"You should not have come back," Birdpaw growled before walking away. 

What was her problem? Was she upset that she was back and was going to expose her? But how would she know? Starclan couldn't tell her that. Starclan doesn't even exist. If they did, you wouldn't be a medicine cat, Birdpaw.

Warriors: Sunbeam (To The Past Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora