Chapter Sixteen

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"Fire! The fire is here!" yowled a voice that cut into Birdpaw's dream. The clans had settled down to sleep after some time. Birdpaw jumped to her paws, startled awake. She jolted when a night patrol burst out of the forest. 

Snowfeather led the patrol. She slid to a halt. "Everyone, get up! We have to leave!" she yowled. 

Her terrified yowls had already woke most of the cats. The leaders and deputies began doing their best to get things in order right as panic set in. Birdpaw looked at the sky and saw the glow of the flames. Smoke was making its way around the lake. 

The vision entered her mind again. Would it happen now?

Snakepaw ran to her side. "We have to get the herbs carried away. We're going to need them." 

"Gather apprentices!" she meowed as she darted away to find Bluepaw. She struggled to see through the thick crowd of cats and smoke as she ran. Where was Bluepaw? 

She nearly crashed into her leader when the she-cat jumped in front of her. "Birdpaw, where is Bluepaw?" Her eyes were full of panic and Birdpaw couldn't remember ever seeing her like this. Froststar seemed like she was about to lose her mind about this.

"Froststar, calm down. I'll find her. Just focus on getting everyone away from the lake and to safety," she shouted over the cacophony of scared cats. 

Froststar growled. "Find her and stop her from traveling anywhere alone." With that, she ran off, calling for her clan to gather around her. 

By now, the flames could be seen through the trees. There wasn't much time. Nearly being blown over by a powerful gust of wind, she made her way toward a tree. She climbed up the trunk quickly, bark flying down from her claws. 

She climbed onto the lowest branch and scanned the cats. There! Bluepaw was stalking towards Froststar. The Snowclan leader was distracted by trying miserably to calm the panicked clans. Apprentices ordered to carry herbs were running away from the lake and away from the fire. They were most likely also ordered to scout a safe area. 

Birdpaw memorized Bluepaw's position and leaped off the branch. She landed heavily and pain shot through her paw as she landed awkwardly. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself forward. She ran in the direction of her leader, dodging running cats. Each step sent pain up her leg. 

Just as she reached Froststar, she saw Bluepaw readying herself to pounce Froststar. No!  She leaped just before her sister and the two she-cats collided. They tumbled when they hit the ground. They lay on the ground when they stopped, stunned by the impact. 

Bluepaw recovered first. She was soon attacking Birdpaw viciously. The words out of her mouth were not ones Birdpaw expected to hear. 

"How dare you attack Froststar!" she yowled angrily. 

Birdpaw fought back, her blows weak from her right front paw. The pain resonated through her body with each hit she made. Bluepaw's claws sent more pain throughout her body. After long moments of being overwhelmed by Bluepaw passed, Bluepaw was pulled away. 

Birdpaw, having been rearing up, dropped to her paws and stumbled from the pain. Blood trickled into her eyes from a well placed swipe to her face. She closed them tightly. 

"Birdpaw, Bluepaw, what is the meaning of this?" snapped a voice. It was Snowfeather.

"Birdpaw tried to attack Froststar!" Bluepaw meowed urgently. "I stopped her!"

"Birdpaw, why? How could you attack your leader?" Snowfeather asked with a shocked mew. 

Birdpaw couldn't believe this! Why was she siding with Bluepaw? "I didn't try to attack Froststar! Bluepaw did!"

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