Chapter Thirteen

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Snowdash scrambled to his paws, his wounds healed and his fur clean. "How could that cover her future? Wouldn't her future be the same?"

Deerfoot stood as well. He, too, was healed and clean. "Is there no way to tell at all?"

"No. We have tried to find ways of seeing her future but we have been unsuccessful," Sparrowpaw meowed as he went to the river to get a drink.

"It's because I changed the past." Birdpaw couldn't help but feel scared. I have to try harder to look for signs of what is about to happen.

"We will send a sign when the time calls for it," meowed a mottled tom as he padded up. He sat beside Snowstar.

"Everyone, this is my mate, Mapleface," meowed Snowstar.

Birdpaw dipped her head in greeting. "Good to meet you."

He dipped his head in return. "Likewise."

"Your clans are no doubt wondering where you are," Nightstar mewed as he stood. "You should head home. This discussion can be saved for a later night."

The medicine cats stood. They said their farewells and the starry cats watched Birdpaw lead them away. Her mind buzzed with questions. About the power she had, the Dark Forest cats, the secret held by all of her kin, and her sister's intentions. There was so much going on that it was hard to make sense of it.

Snakepaw caught up and walked beside her. "I never thought your power would cause your future to be uncertain."

She thought for a moment. Sure, it was scary not knowing what lay ahead with a destiny like hers. But wasn't it better not knowing what lay ahead for her? "I think I prefer it that way."

"Huh? Prefer it that way? Aren't you worried something might come to stop your destiny?" he queried, hinting at the end of her life.

"Well, I'll fight whatever comes." She glanced at him. "I have much to do. My life can't end yet."

The sun was almost high in the sky when the Snowclan medicine cats padded through the undergrowth, the vine tunnel in sight. The guard stood. It was Shardtail. His eyes were wide. "Deerfoot and Snowdash are home!" he yowled.

He bounded to them, purring in relief. "You're alive!"

"I am glad to be," Deerfoot said as they entered the tunnel. Birdpaw led them through and into camp. Froststar was bounding toward them from her den. Her eyes shined with relief and happiness.

"Deerfoot! Snowdash! Welcome home! I'm so glad to see you are well and alive!" The cats rubbed cheeks, their purring loud.

"Birdpaw led a patrol of medicine cats and Starclan to save us when Snowdash and I decided to fight back," Deerfoot purred.

Froststar touched her nose to Birdpaw's. "She is certainly worthy of being a Snowclan cat. She has done so much for us all."

Birdpaw felt shy from the praise. She really wasn't that amazing, right?

Birdpaw stood from her finished squirrel. The feast in celebration of Deerfoot and Snowdash returning was going well. She stretched and yawned, exhausted from battle and lack of sleep. I have more training to do though. She relished the thought of curling up in her nest and dreaming of days with her mother.

She started making her way to the medicine den. Snakepaw joined her. "Tired?" he meowed as they padded side by side.

"Yeah," she meowed. "After everything, I could sleep for a moon."

"Same. Things have been crazy." They entered the den and went to their shared nest. They curled up together.

She breathed in his familiar scent, comforted by it. She closed her eyes. His purring lulled her to sleep.

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