chapter twenty-five

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chapter twenty-five

Part four

I held her tighter. We stayed like that for a long time until I pulled away, reaching back against the bed and picking up her black elastic that was tossed in the blankets. I put in her hand, and she started crying, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. After she was finished I lifted her chin with my fingers, making her look at me. “Listen, Lena. I'll give you a deal. You stay here with me, and we throw all our problems and worries through that goddamned window over there, and just for tonight, we just lay here, just us.” 

She wiped her eyes, giving me a smile, a Lena one. “Let's do it.” and I chuckled, noticing her coat was wide open. “You might want to wear some of my clothes, though. So you know, I won't get distracted.”

But then she raised an eyebrow.

Looking like the playful Lena I knew.

“Nope,” I said. “I can't reach it.” I grabbed her waist and rolled us over. She was on top of me now, her mouth against mine. My eyes went to the nightstand. It was so far away. I grabbed Lena's waist again, flipping us over so I was on top, my body between her legs. Her laughter rippled under me. “You're going to make us fall!”

I reached for my nightstand, opening the drawer. Lena kissed my chest, my skin prickled as she did. “L,” I breathed, my fingers latching on the condom. “Got it.”

Lena couldn't stop laughing, that lovely sound. It made me smile, happy that she was feeling good. “You know the smart thing to do would've been if you just stood your lazy ass up—on second thought you're not that smart.”

“Oh really?” I raised an eyebrow. “I'm here with you aren't I?”

She laced her hands around my neck. “Was that a compliment?”

“For the both of us.” I brushed my lips against her collarbone where a few moles dotted her skin, to her neck, making her sigh. “Are you sure about this?” I whispered in her ear. I wanted her to know it was perfectly okay for us to just lay here. But if she didn't want to. . .

“As sure as I've ever been,” she said, smiling softly, tracing her fingers down my temple to my jaw.

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