chapter twenty

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chapter twenty

Stephanie never answered. She told me to put on some shoes and meet her at the car. I barely got in the Lexus before she stepped on the gas, making me fly back in my seat. I scrambled for the seat-belt. No way in hell was I going to die before seeing Lena. “Sorry!” Stephanie exclaimed, speeding out of the neighborhood. 

I tightened my grip on the door handle. We were going at least fifteen miles above the speed limit. “Tell me, Steph.”

“They said she's barely alive. Nearly had an over-dose.”

“Over-dose?” I choked out. We swerved onto the highway. Other cars honked in annoyance. I held onto the seat for dear life. “You mean like drugs?”

She nodded. “They didn't tell me much.” She glanced at me, then eased her foot off the gas, slowing down, laughing a little. “You look so scared. Sorry. We have to drive all the way to Ontario.”

“She was in Ontario?” All this time, she was just about forty-five minutes away.

“Must have. Since she's in Ontario Hospital. God, what was she thinking? Drugs, really?”

“I don't know. . .” I let my sentence drift. Honestly I didn't know what to think. After making it to the hospital, we went through the receptionist's desk, received our name tags and directions, and were on our way, headed to room 607D.

“Bruno, I'm scared,” Stephanie whispered, our steps echoing on the linoleum. The air was full of the smell of cleaning supplies and hospital. I could only agree with Steph. We had no idea what we were about to encounter. My heart was pounding. Right as we made it to room 607D, a tall, dark haired man was emerging from the room, wearing white doctor's clothes. Stephanie reached out. “I'm Stephanie!”

The man looked up, his dark eyes friendly. “Ah yes, Ms. Delgado, I spoke with you on the phone?” Stephanie nodded. “I'm Dr. Clarke, and you are. . .?” He turned to me. “Bruno,” I answered.

Dr. Clarke appeared apologetic. “Lena only specifically called for Stephanie and is in critical condition at this moment. Can it just be me and her to visit Lena for awhile? I'll ask one of the nurses to bring a chair for you.”

Stephanie shot me a sorry glance. I waited by the window to Lena's room. The nurse had brought me a plastic chair but I couldn't sit. My nerves were all over the place. Finally, what seemed like hours, the doctor and Stephanie came out. I moved towards them. It was clear Stephanie had been crying, her eyes wet and her cheeks blotchy. “She wants to speak with you, alone,” Stephanie said to me. “Sorry it took so long. She had just woken up. Then wanted a shower.”

“It's all right.” I put my hand on the door handle. “Thanks, Doc.” I didn't know why I was thanking him, but he seemed to know, and gave a quick nod of understanding.

I quietly slipped inside.

My eyes had to adjust to the dim lighting, it was so bright and white in the hallways of the hospital. The first thing I noticed about her was her hair, which was in thick, light brown tangles over her shoulders. She was in a hospital gown, and I couldn't see her face, it was tilted towards the cup in her lap. As I moved closer, I noticed how thin she was. Way thinner than before.  “L?” I said quietly. Her head slowly raised.

I sucked in a breath.

Dark rings were around her eyes. A dark red cut was on her lower lip, a purple bruise covered her cheek. As she tried moving her hair from her face I could see finger marks on her neck. Her eyes seemed dead as they followed me to the chair next to her bed. “L,” I breathed. My eyes trailed to her arms, bruises marked all over her. Black and blue.

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