chapter four

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chapter four 

Bruno and his brother shared an apartment that was on the second level. It had two bedrooms and one bathroom. To my surprise, thinking if two guys shared an apartment it would be a mess, but it was actually pretty spotless and clean, decorated with the simple things. “Eric's girlfriend comes here a lot,” Bruno explained. “Keeps us in check.”

He led me through a small hallway and I could see his hesitance as we stopped at a closed door. “Uh,” he began. “This is my room.”

Bruno's walls were covered with framed posters of old musician icons: Elvis, James Brown, Elton John. Even a poster of Muhammad Ali was over his bed. A guitar was on a stand in one corner and a keyboard was in another. The queen sized bed was neatly made, the blankets a dark red. A few clothes were strewn on the floor but other than that, the room was tidy and, though small, spacious. “Wait here,” he told me. I waited by the door frame. I watched him quickly grab the clothes off the floor and discard them into a hamper. He disappeared in the closet and came back out with folded clothes in his hands. He smiled sheepishly at me. “It's the biggest shirt of mine I could find, the smallest pair of. . .” He cleared his throat. “boxers, a towel and a rag.”

I took them from him. “Thank you.”

“The shower's just right there.” He nodded towards the end of the hall, about to give me more directions before I interrupted.



“Thank you.” I gave him a small smile. “I think I have it from here.”

“Of course, of course.” He raked a hand through his hair. “Right.”

I left to the bathroom, sitting the clothes down on the counter. I peeled off my clothes, turning the shower on high. The water was steaming, and I let it run over my skin until it stung. My hair was washed with men's shampoo. I didn't care. What was the difference anyway besides the smell? When I dried off, my hair wrapped in a towel, and pulled on Bruno's clothes, I was overwhelmed with the smell of him. Spring laundry detergent and male, with something else I couldn't identify. I was grateful the smell of lake water was gone. I let my hair fall onto my shoulders, still in ringlets.

Bruno was staring down at his phone, standing next to the bed. His clothes were still darkened from the water. I knocked on the open door and he looked up. I could feel his eyes take me in. “I can sleep on the couch,” I suggested.

“Sleep in here, I don't mind.” He came over to me and took my wet clothes from my arms. “I'll dry these.”

“Thank you.”

“You don't have to keep thanking me, Lena.” He was just about to leave but turned back around. “I'll help you pay for a new camera and phone.”

“It's okay.” I stepped inside his room and walked over to the bed. I could feel his eyes following me like a light touch on my skin. I turned around. “Don't worry about anything, okay?”

He looked at for a long time before nodding, closing the door behind him as he left. I didn't know if he was coming back or not. I slid beneath the blankets, drawing them to my neck, enveloped with warmth, softness, and the smell of spring. Immediately, my eyes were heavy with exhaustion. I shut them, and let the darkness overtake me.


I was having a nightmare. Water filled my mouth, my ears, and my eyes. I couldn't move my legs or arms to try to make it to the surface. I was left with no choice but to drown.

I saw Michael. But then I saw Ray.


My eyes flew open to brightness and unfamiliarity. I gasped, suddenly sitting up in the bed, my heart pounding. When I took in the sight of posters and musical instruments I relaxed, last night slowly coming into remembrance. I was alone in the room. My clothes from yesterday lay folded on the edge of the bed. I quickly dressed, fingercombing my frizzy hair. My clothes were scented with spring. When I left the room, the smell of breakfast wafted to me. I walked to the kitchen to see a petite girl with long, dark hair standing in front of the stove. “Hi,” I greeted her, suddenly a little shy.

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