Chapter 1

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My alarm screeches throughout my small room. I slowly open my eyes and blink rapidly in an attempt to blink my drowsiness away, it doesn't work. I have to get up anyway.
It's 5:30 I have to get my sisters up at 6:00, so I take a quick shower and towel dry my hair. Looking in the mirror I see my normally honey brown hair a dark-almost black- brown, my piercing grey eyes staring at my reflection, the acne scattered here and there red as ever, my cheeks are hollowed out, my cheekbones defined, making me look like a ghost. I'm not satisfied with the whole "natural" look, surrendering to my insecurities I grab my black and white polka dotted make up bag. I dump it out onto the counter, searching around I find my concealer, as I'm applying it all over my face the red blemishes disappear behind the liquid mask I'm applying. After the foundation I apply black eyeliner, making a black line on my eye. Satisfied with my eyeliner I move onto my mascara, twisting the tube open I take the wand to my eyelashes and apply a thick layer, making sure it's not clumped I take a toothpick to each individual lash. I set the tube down, it rolls and falls into the sink with a satisfying plop. I pick up eyeshadow and make a quick smoky eye. I put all my makeup away, I'm satisfied with my art piece and leave the bathroom.
After I woke Maya and Angel I walk to the kitchen. I still have thirty-eight minutes before Angel and Maya go to the bus stop. Maya comes out while pulling her favorite thrift store sweater over her skinny frame. Walking straight to the living room,"You gonna eat breakfast My?" I ask.
"What? Oh, uh, yeah can you put some toast in the bread for me?" She asks distractedly. I laugh under my breath and put her bread in the toaster. Once it pops I add a layer of butter and bring it to her in the living room, I look at the TV it's tuned to the news, again.
I take an excited bite into the toast, I'm starving, its really stale but I continue eating it because I feel bad, Arise has three jobs, takes care of two hormonal high school aged teenagers, and still goes to school online. Angel comes out minutes later and looks at me, silently asking if the toast is bad, I nod my head so faintly that only Angel can see it. I cast my head back to the little TV it's on the news because I'm watching for anything related to my parents, I never find anything but I still do it. Angel sits next to me with a bruised green apple in her hand. I look over and see her shirt, a band I've never heard of before and I'm sure she hasn't either. Ari thinks that Angel is always so tired because she goes to bed late but really it's because she's either out stealing stuff, or she wakes up three, four, sometimes even five times a night. I get up from my butt dent on the couch and put on my old Keds. I open the door to our apartment building and walk down the stairs and walk the two blocks to our bus stop, beginning my last normal day.

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