Chapter 3

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Angel's calling my name. What does she want? It's...4:21 in the morning. I open my eyes slowly and push off my thin scratchy blankets. The floor sends chills all the way up my legs. "ARISE HURRY IT ON UP PLEASE" Angel yells.
"Calm down Angel. I'm co-" I say but stop when I see a police officer in the doorway.
"Angel, why don't you go back to bed okay?" I say. She opens her mouth an invisible thought forming in her brain. I give her the,"Nuh-Uh, I'm not about to take any crap from you right now" look. She puts her head down and trudges down the hallway.
"Officer,  may I help you?" I ask as soon as I hear Angel close her door.
"May I come in first?" He asks.
"Yeah, yeah," I repeat. Act cool you idiot. I open the door so the officer can fit. I flip a light switch on and the room instantly illuminates with a yellow haze. The officer walks in and takes his cap off. I take a look at the man, he's short, with a head of dull brown thinning hair, he's a little on the chubby side, but I'm not judging, he has a light stubble on his face. There's a crinkle by his eyes making it look like there's a permanent smile on his face. Overall he seems pretty nice.
"So, Ms.Lynne," He begins.
"Call me Ari," I interrupt.
"Okay, Ari," The officer says.
Half an hour after boring talk on his precinct and how they came about the information he tells me an address. I got up at 4:30 for an address? I wonder in my head. "O-Okay, officer. Thank you. Are you sure that's all?" I ask shaily.
"Yes, I am. Thank you for your time ma'am," He says as he stands.
"My! Get up!" Angel screams in my earlobe. I grunt in response to let her know she has woken me. "Get up!" She yells again. I mutter a what. She wants my full attention so she pulls me off my bed, this wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't on the top of our bunk bed. "What was that for?" I ask while rubbing my hair, which i know is tangled beyond repair. "Maya! They know where Mom is!" She whisper-yells. I snap my eyes open fully and see her worried face for the first time.
Angel and I are twins, but we don't look alike, really we are polar opposites, she goes right I go left. I'm good, she's bad. She has hair dark as night, I have hair bright as day. She's left handed, I'm right handed. She's abnormal, I'm, well I'm just average me. "Sh-what?" I ask.
"I've been eavesdropping, that's what Ari said," Angel rushes out. Loud footsteps echo across the hall. "She's coming!" I quickly pull myself up into my bunk and drop like someone yelled Andy's Coming. I hear Angel rummaging around noisily. The idiot. My door creaks open a bit and Ari speaks,"Angel I know you're not asleep, and knowing you you woke your sister? Maya?" I decide to try to make it appear as though I'm asleep. "Sorry Ari, it's just I couldn't sleep. What did he say?" Angel asks.
"Why don't you guys get ready, I know you're up Maya," She says nonchalantly as she closes closed the door. Peeking one eye open I see Angel staring right at me, I screech like a little kid,"I need you to watch the door My," She says.
"What why?" I ask with my hand over my fast racing heart.
"Just do it!" She says while she climbs out the window in her boots. Sighing I get dressed.
I open our window and cast one last glance behind me. It's quite difficult to get through without looking stupid. I close the window and huddle around the corner where Maya can't see me. I pull out the pack of Marlborough's. Taking one out and lighting it, the nicotine going in my lungs and the smoke coming out. Sitting down with my foot dangling over the edge I look down at the sidewalk imagining myself plummeting down, my hair flowing fiercely behind me, stopping just above the ground, my elbow slapping the cemet. Now I'm just hovering, suspended in time. I blink and look away from the ground, seeing my cigarette is gone I flick it away.

"What were you doing out there?" Maya asks as soon as I come inside.
"Nothing," I answer instantly. She sighs heavily and goes out. I put in a pair of leggings and a plain black hoodie. Ari and Maya are sitting at the table with solemn faces. "What's wrong guys?" I ask, even though I know what she's going to say.
"They know where Mom is," Maya says while looking back at me with her intense green eyes the color of grass.
"What?" I act surprised. I swallow and look at Ari for confirmation, She nods.
"What now?" I ask.
"This is the fun part," She says then takes a big dramatic pause,"ROAD TRIP!" She yells happily.
"What?" I ask. We can't go on a road trip, because what if when we get there We're disappointed? We can't, we can't, we can't.

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