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My second story, I'm not going to update until this part gets five reads so I know people care! And BTW if you read, "Will To Live" and hated the ending let me know, I have an alternate ending.
"Every book has a chapter you don't read aloud"
"Mommy? Where did Daddy go?" Thirteen year old Arise asked.
"Daddy went on a vacation hun, Mommy's gonna go look for him soon," Ari's Mother calmly said. Ari nodded softly in her mom's chest. Arise had a pit in her stomach, the kind you get when you're anticipating something. The one that's too hard to explain. Ari would do anything to say goodbye to her father properly. Arise was a sweet girl. She was also rather pretty, dark brown hair with honey highlights, greyish blue eyes, freckles, and good cheekbones. Almost every kid in her eighth grade class had, or has a crush on her. She's not interested. I mean she liked guys just she didn't want a boyfriend, not yet. Ari got up from her warm spot on the couch, and walked over to the kitchen to get some food. She heard her mother get up ignoring it continued to eat her fruit snacks. Her little 12 year old sister came in the room,"Ar, where did Mama go?" Angel asked.
"She's in the living room Angie," She calmly replies. Throwing away her wrapper.
"No she's not! I just checked there!" Angel yells.
"I'm sure she just went to the bathroom or something, calm down," Arise replies while walking down the short hallway to Mom's living room. Angie was right, her mom's gone.

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