Snorting slightly, Peggy bounds up to the door. The cabin is already covered in snow. "It might be time to go and examine all of the rooms, am I right?"

"Yeah!" I cheer, running after her.

I'm met with cool air. The cabin seems relatively large. The main, bottom floor houses a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room. Then, there's stairs going up.

I lug my suitcase up, excitedly looking around.

Every wall has a picture of one of the Schuylers and one of their parents. There are six doors in the hallway, each a different color. One, however, is covered in bright yellow tape with keep out written in red on the tape.

"What..." I start. "Never mind." I just keep walking.

Peggy, who has pretty much taken command, points at the various rooms. "Blue room is me and Eliza. Red is Ang, you, and Maria. Yellow is Aaron and Laf. White is Alex, James, and Hercules. Black is Thomas and John."

"We're color coordinated!" I squeal. "Yay!" I pull my suitcase into the lovely red room. Maria will love this. Maroon curtains hang elegantly over the far window, and a large bed to match the walls rests in the center. Other than that and a nightstand, the room is fairly bare.

Maria drags her three bags inwards. She immediately marvels at the room. "Oh my God... It's my signature color. For three weeks... I live here!"

"Yep! Everything will be just red!!" Angelica yelps.

Grinning brightly, Maria tosses her suitcase on the bed. "Called it. You two fight over the floor."

I push her suitcase off and flop on the bed. "I claimed it though."

"Wait, wait, wait... Does that mean Hercules, Alex, and James are sharing one bed?" Maria starts cracking up at the mental image forming in her head.

"That'll go well," Angelica laughs.

Clearly, one of them just figured it out. Alex starts bellowing and complaining.

We hear laughter coming from the black room. Probably John.

Maria glances at that door. "He does realize he's sharing a bed with Thomas, right?"

We hear a silence, then a very loud whimper. Ok, so we've confirmed that it's John.

"Do you guys have like... Air mattresses or something? I feel like someone brought one."

Angelica runs out of the room. "I think we have one!"

"'One'?" Hercules calls.

"We'll see!"

John runs into the red room. "I have to sleep with Thomas Jefferson?!"

"Oh, honey, don't phrase it like that," Maria comments.

His cheeks turn bright red. "I wouldn't have to worry about how I phrased it if you wouldn't point it out."

"I wouldn't have pointed it if you phrased it well." she informs him, grinning.

He sighs loudly. "If he doesn't sleep fully clothed, I will sleep with you three."

"No thanks there, Jacky. I'm dating someone. And so are you. Let's not have an affair."

"That's not what I meant!"

I burst out laughing. "Really John, I thought scandal was below you!"

He attempts to protest, but that's precisely when Angelica decides to inform Thomas of his sleeping arrangement.

Stories Undone, Scars Unseen // Hamilton College AUWhere stories live. Discover now