Ask #174

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Nimi: From WillofTheNight!

Nagito: For Toko!

Toko: M-me?

Nimi: Favorite author and why?

Toko: Hmmm...I-I can't decided cause Nimi doesn't known any Japanese authors.

Nimi: That's right.

Toko: It has to be the most popular one.

Nimi: -goes on to google-

Hajime: Should've googled from the beginning and shouldn't have to do this.

Nimi: Kazuo Ishiguro?

Toko: He's one of my favorites, but yes.

Nimi: I'm not doing any more research. -smashes camera-

[Ultimate Pokemon & Bill Mitarai 44/85]

[Merry Christmas! 9/55 DAYS]

[No Weapons 27/30]

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Ask Or Dare Dangan Ronpa: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now