Dare #327

169 5 13

Nimi: From chantelle210904!

Nagito: For Chiaki, Ryota, Peko, and Jataro!

Chiaki: Yes?

Ryota: Huh?

Peko: -holding Jataro- You wish to see me?

Jataro: -asleep-

Nimi: -slides laptop- Play Sister Location

Chiaki: I can't play games, so Ryota do it.

Ryota: Nononononononononononononoononononono

Peko: Sounds interesting.

Chiaki: It'll traumatize Jataro

Peko: I'll put him in a different room then. -leaves-

Ryota: Nononononononononononononononono

Hajime: He didn't get rid of the Hope Video for this

Nimi: I don't make the dares/asks, the Dreamers do.

Peko: -walks in- Done


Laptop: -stabbed with a sword-

Peko: -petting her bunnies- Fluff fluff fluff

Ryota: -crying-

Chiaki: Meh

Wheel: -spins-

Nimi: This time it's Ryota!

Shin: -hugging Ryota-

Ryota: -inhuman screech-

Kazuichi: That's my job!

Makoto: I thought I was the Ultimate Screams Like A Bitch?

Wheel: -stops-

Everyone: -looks-

Wheel: "Be brave of your fears for 10 dares/asks"

Ryota: Right now, Five Nights at Freddy's.

Nimi: Good luck!

Shin: -whispers- ...good luck Cupcake...

Ryota: Someone kill me

Garry: -jumps into a portal- Bye!

Ib: -in Garry's arms- Bye bye!

Mary: -jumps in after them- Wait for me!

Nimi: -smashes camera-


[Izzy's Honest Now 9/10]

[New Servants 13/20]

[Ultimate Kind Traditional Dancer 10/30]

[Rule Breaker 2.0 9/20]

[Ultimate Pokemon 8/85]

[Ultimate Couples 7/30]

[No Sweets 6/40]

[Non-Killer Killer 5/30]

[Nagisa Wears Skirts 2/10]

[Don't be a Hela 1/10]

Ask Or Dare Dangan Ronpa: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now