Dare #297

173 3 3

Hela: G-good morning!

Hajime: .....

Kyoko: ....

Makoto: .....

Hela: Wha-what?!

Aoi: How come you're not telling us the dare?

Hela: B-because it could kill you all!

Ruruka: It can't be that bad!

Hela: F-fine! This is f-for anyone!

Everyone: Huh?

Hela: Be K-Kenna's servant for 40 dares/asks!

Nagito: Oh hell naw -leaves-

Izuru: Fuck no -leaves-

Hajime: I'm out -leaves-

Makoto: Nope nope nope nope -leaves-

Hela: T-told you!

Kenna: Someone wish to be my servant? How lovely!

Teruteru: I'll volunteer!

 Kenna: Anyone?

Teruteru: Rude!

Junko: I bet it'll be despair inducing!

Kenna: Anyone at all?

Junko: The despair~

Byakuya: Let's use Nagito

Toko: L-Let's listen to Master Byakuya!

Aoi: No way! Even though yandere's are worse than himedere's, we're not just gonna-

Leon: Do you want to be a servant?

Aoi: Where is that Bagel Boy?


Nagito: -tied up-

Hela: Y-you're gonna kill him?! Then me next?!

Yasuhiro: Hell no!

Celestia: So we weren't going to kill him?


Dream: Stop being a scardy-cat and get Kenna

Hela: W-why?! So you can kill me?!

Dream: No

Kenna: I'm already here. My King, please be prepared.

Nagito: Someone kill me

Shin: .... -whispers- I hope this is enough Altdra....

Hela: -smashes camera-

[Shizuko Ishimaru & Kiyotaka Ishimaru 68/100]

[Ultimate Honesty Still Doesn't Care 25/50]

[Tech Children 23/50]

[The Ultimate Slave doesn't want Nagito anymore 14/15]

[Ultimate Yandere Housemaid 12/50]

[Nimi and Hela Switch? 6/10]

[Truth does care 5/15]

[Truth is Gone 3/10]

[Dangan Project 2/20]

Ask Or Dare Dangan Ronpa: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now