Dare #294

199 4 5

Hela: F-from yChAn101!

Nagito: For the Warriors of Hope!

Nagisa: Us?

Hela: -shoves cosplay at their faces- W-WERE THIS TO HIDE FROM THE SNIPERS 

Jataro: I don't wanna be sniped! -goes off to the changing room-


Nagisa: -walks out; Ladonia- Why are we dressed like this?

Kotoko: -Wy- I look cute!

Jataro: -Kugelmugel- It looks good on me!

Masaru: -Molossia- I look awesome!

Vale: Hetalia!

Kenna: Micronations!

Jataro: Huh?

Hela: -smashes camera-

[Shizuko Ishimaru & Kiyotaka Ishimaru 65/100]

[Ultimate Honesty Still Doesn't Care 22/50]

[Tech Children 20/50]

[The Ultimate Slave doesn't want Nagito anymore 11/15]

[Ultimate Yandere Housemaid 9/50]

[Nimi and Hela Switch? 3/10]

[Truth does care 2/15]

Ask Or Dare Dangan Ronpa: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now