Meeting Wily

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It was a long walk down the deep and dark hallway. Each step shot pain through the leftover bites on your body that hadn't healed yet. Your clothes had been torn, and in places you were covered in blood. You smelled of sweat, and your hair was a mess as well. You would have felt self conscious, you know, if you weren't dealing with robots who may or may not want you dead.

After a bit of walking, Bass seemed to soften a little bit, and set you down. "Just try your best to walk, I don't get any enjoyment from putting you in pain."

You guessed that was his roundabout way of apologizing for being so rough.

You shakily began walking, moving to the side so you could use the wall to help you walk. You weren't having difficulty because of the pain, it was hard because your legs were almost numb. All except the parts that were bitten, you almost felt nothing. The wounds burned but walking was an obstacle. Your body felt heavy, as though gravity tugged on you and urged you to the ground.

He glanced over at you and sighed.
"Stupid human." He muttered, grabbing your arm and jerking your over to him. He wrapped your arm around his neck, and placed his other hand around your waist to help support you.

You didn't particularly like him keeping his hand on your waist, but he seemed only to care about getting you to Wily.

"Who's Wily?" You asked.
"My creator." He answered shortly.

You decided it was best not to ask anymore questions and avoid making him angry.

He lead you to a small room with a fireplace, a fire burning inside. There was a small leather chair he led you to, and had you sit down. Another chair was not far from it.
"He'll be here soon." Bass said, and stood by your chair.

You leaned back in the chair, letting yourself sink into it. Your eyes closed, and you let out a sigh of relief.

Bass grabbed your arm. "You can't go to sleep."
You blinked a few times, and nodded.

An old man walked in. Bags hung under his eyes, his wrinkled face permanently frozen in a scowl. His mustache and beard was unkept and messy. He wore a clean lab coat, and had a cane in one hand to assist in walking. It seemed something was wrong with his left foot, and he needed the cane to walk. Bass looked a little concerned for his creator as he hobbled into the room. He settled in the chair across from yours, and directed his eyes at you.

"What's your name?" Wily asked, in a rough but quiet voice. You quietly said your name, and his eyes widened to show a bit of surprise for a second. But as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone and replaced with his scowl.

"Well, Would you mind telling me how you wound up here?" He asked, setting his cane to lean on the chair. You blinked. You assumed one of the robots had told Wily what had happened, but you weren't going to question having to repeat it.

You quickly gave a brief explanation of what had happened. You talked about the boat and the storm, and being out at sea for a while. He seemed rather surprised that you had survived such an ordeal. After your story, he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He spoke again, and sounded much more irritated this time.

"And tell me, how did you wind up in Snake Man's room?" He shot you a glare that caused you to shift in your seat and direct your eyes away from him.

"I heard my door unlock, so I left.. and there was no one in the hallway..  and I found that room and thought I was outside.."

Wily nodded. "For future reference, if someone wants you to remain in one area, they probably have a good reason."

You quickly nodded and apologized a few times. The more you thought about it though... you really shouldn't apologize. He was the one who should apologize. His robot attacked you and harassed you. He was the one who had locked you in a room, you had done nothing wrong but try to escape somewhere you were being held captive!

But, it was probably best to stay on Wily's good side.

"I'll get you some new clothes and some proper care for your wounds." Wily said.

"What about getting me home? I just wanna get home, my family misses me I'm sure, and I want to know if my friends made-"

"No!" He yelled. His voice had been rather quiet before, and the sudden change in volume left you rather paralyzed. Your hands balled into fists, and you felt yourself shaking slightly.

"You will not be permitted to leave, you are to stay here, do you understand me?" He was still yelling. What gave this old geezer the right to boss you around?

"Why? I just wanna go home!" You argued.
"Because I said so!

You got to your feet, stomping your foot in anger. "That's not a reason!"  You felt something jab you in the back. You turned your head to see that Bass was holding his arm against your back, but that hand had turned into somewhat of a cannon.

"Sit back down." Bass growled. You did as told.

Wily glared. "You will not question me. You'll soon find that you have no choice but to do as I say." He slowly got back to his feet and grabbed his cane. "Now, I'll give you free realm of certain parts of the building. But you're not allowed to step outside."

As he talked, you started to recognize his voice. Something about him now seemed super familiar.. you'd have seen this man before, you just knew it..

"Take her back to her room, have Quick Man patch her up. I'll have someone else bring you more clothes." Wily turned, and slowly walked off, disappearing behind a different door.

Bass jerked you to your feet, his hand wrapped tightly around your arm. You winced, letting out a small cry in pain. He shoved you against the wall, his violet eyes glaring with pure hatred into yours.

"You will respect my creator, got that?"
You slowly nodded, your eyes watering. You just wanted to lay down and rest, but at every turn you were just meeting more pain.

His face softened. "I-I'm sorry." He let go of your arm.

You felt dizzy. You looked at him a second.

"Here.." he wrapped your arm around his shoulder again, and began helping you back to your room.

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